Flood of new topics in Front Page category?

Ok, I fixed it for now. It might could use slight tweaking, but the comments are at least legible. :)

Definitely better. Thanks!

I hate to be the guy pointing this out, as I seemed to be the only one complaining about font size, but boy! That new front page site on Wordpress has REALLY TINY font on iPhone 6 Plus. It’s the same size as the one Discourse use before wumpus decided to make it bigger. Help!

Hmm… on my iPhone 6s, the comment font is the same size as the article font. Do they look different to you? Can you post a screenshot?

Here’s a comparison of the front page and embedded Discourse as compared to Discourse itself. Even though Discourse is still small but the front page and embedded Discourse is impossible to read at all.

Well - the front page mobile font is out of my control. We can try to bump up the size of the fp comment font a bit if @tomchick and @wumpus are OK with it

Ok, the Front Page category has been un-muted for everyone. We’re 99% sure the influx of (google crawler triggered) old Front Page topics with zero Disqus comments is officially over.

We also set the dates correctly on all the FP topics to match the blog posts, and the authors also match the blog post as well – big thanks to @arpit.jalan for making both of those happen. 😍

/me weeps forever:

I like it. It only happens once a week or so, and it gives me a chance to find the correct links for the ones that can be fixed from broken links.

Go into your options and set Front page to muted topics. I believe that removes them from showing up in Latest.

I thought the front page category one deluge was over

We thought so too… it had tapered off to nothing. We’ll need to reset post dates and authors on these new ones too @arpit.jalan

Okay, done! All the new topics created in last 6 days have been fixed.

I wrote a quick 'n dirty python script to trigger the generation of the rest of them so it should be completed now, with the exception of future topics. One more resetting of dates/authors by @arpit.jalan and we should be good.

For the curious:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import time
from selenium import webdriver

links = set()

def get_links(url):
    r = requests.get(url)
    data = r.text
    soup = BeautifulSoup(data,"lxml")
    for div in soup.find_all('div',class_='span11'):
        for c in div.children:
                link = c.get('href')
                if link is None:
urls = []
for year in range(2008,2017):
    for month in range(1,13):
        u = "http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/" + str(year) + "/" + str(month) + "/"

# 1. Get the URLS from all of the pages

for u in urls:

# 2. Make a request to each of the URLs in links, hoping this triggers fp articles

driver = webdriver.Firefox()

for link in links:

    # Allow time for all page assets to load

Nice! Google would spider them all eventually. One of the big surprises we found working on Stack Overflow, is that competing crawlers were SOO much worse than Google’s crawler. Google crawled 5, 10 times as much as everyone else and got into every nook and cranny. You would think web crawling was a solved problem by 2011 but… the Bing and everyone else crawl numbers were just pathetic.

Eh - looks like I didn’t quite get all of them.

(peeks up head from deep in an underground bunker)

is… is it safe? are they all here now?

Let’s see: #front-page

I guess they’re still not all here…?

I cannot begin to tell you how much I fucking hate Little Big Planet 2.

I am fairly amused, that after many years of ‘wait, QT3 has a front page?’ jokes annoying the shit out of Tom, multiple crawlers and a dedicated script still haven’t exposed every front page topic.

Sweet, sweet revenge?