FLOTUS under Trump

I am sure we all love it when Chelsea gets asked about her father getting a blow job from a WH intern.

Chelsea wasn’t a White House official.

True, but let’s face it. The question was asked of her because she is the president’s daughter and she is in the white house. Unless of course you think any other woman working in the white house would have answered with some kind of insightful answer.

Yeah. So?

No. They would all lie too.

I mean… she shouldn’t be in the White House. None of them should be in any government position official or otherwise other than Don. The First Lady generally gets a quasi-pass, but even then I seem to recall people bitching quite a bit about Hillary and Healthcare for the same reason back in the day.

Thus why the bitching about Melania and bullying. Except that Hillary actually cared about healthcare.

Including Don.

I mean ideally, yes, but I was talking legally. He was duly elected, sad as that may be.

The rest of them are nepotism, which used to be illegal, but the rule of law doesn’t matter anymore.

A public official may not appoint, employ, promote, advance, or advocate for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement, in or to a civilian position in the agency in which he is serving or over which he exercises jurisdiction or control any individual who is a relative of the public official.

Yes, I understand the term. And I was thinking of that very thing. Imagine, as they say, that Michele was made some kind of WH official. Of course his daughters were too young at the time. I hate doing the ‘what if’ crap. But seriously.

I hope someone has the balls at that meeting to blurt out, “Talk to your dumbass husband about bullying as he’s the nation’s #1 offender”

Smelania is useless: http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/380786-parkland-student-appeals-to-melania-trump-after-attacks-by-laura

The new first lady initiative is called “Be Best”

That’s not a typo on my part. Be Best!

I hope she knocks on the bathroom door of the White House Presidential Suite while Trump is having his AM Twitter shit session, and simply says “Be Best.”


Smelania is best at plagiarism!

Grifter doing what she does best: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/05/melania-trump-cyberbullying-booklet-apparently-plagiarized.html


I can only imagine what the outcry would be if Michelle Obama had ever plagiarized anything. Probably calls for lynching form Hannity and friends. Insane.