For 20 years, the CIA funded and promoted Abstract Expressionism as propaganda

Haha! I knew there was an explanation for it. I’ve always called this movement abject depressionism.

U mad, Gilman Louie fast-tracked into Langley, you think he threw out his rolodex when they cleared him?

Is this a verbal tic that somehow translates into text?

Which, of course, explains why of the dozens of companies in In-Q-Tel’s portfolio there has been a whopping one company with a connection to the game industry.

Why, to make everyone used to the idea of being constantly recorded? That’s crazy! I can’t wait until we find out that the CIA steered rap towards crass commercialism in an effort to make third world nations more money oriented. Or that the Summer blockbuster was invented to give Americans something to consistently share an opinion regarding. What if multiple piercings were a plot to undermine sympathy for people stopped at metal detectors?

No, John is right, if it wasn’t the CIA’s idea to convince everyone around the entire globe to fill their homes and pockets with recording devices vulnerable to remote control, then they basically stumbled drunk into a supermodel’s vagina ten years ago.

Damn right I’m right.

It’s difficult to direct the people when they can spring to action from desk chairs. They are much easier to control when they lounge on comfy couches.

I have The Master and Margarita, but i haven’t read it yet. You liked?

It’s probably in my top five books of all time, which admittedly is a list dominated by Russians.

I am shocked, shocked I tell you, to discover that rich people like Nelson Rockefeller patronized art that furthers their own values and political ends.

Why, the next thing you’ll be telling me Michelangelo was a propagandist as well!

Well OK you guys win! Also I am officially a part of the tinfoil hat brigade, because if this is true, things like “assassinating a president” seem pretty plausible!

Next up: CIA funded and promoted wine snobbery, so as to make Russians think they were missing something.

How about infecting Guatemalans with STDs in the 40s?

Propagandist for what? That turtle soup is bad? -_-