Fortitude (Sky/Pivot)

I didn’t think season one needed a follow up, but I was willing to trust them. I think this one actually has more of a follow up hook but yeah, expectations will be lower for sure.

So my wife and I just discovered this on Amazon Prime, and proceeded to get so hooked that we binge watched Season One in 3 nights (Sat/Sun/Mon). We still have Episode 12, the season finale, to go tonight, but it seems like the big reveal ice age bugs! is out of the bag now so the finale should be clean up of that little issue along with all the fallout from the personal drama.

Honestly, we love the setting, and the creepy mystery was really cool, but took a nice back seat to the character drama. The characters (and the actors) in this show are really interesting, all the more so given the wide variety of nationalities and backgrounds represented. It’s been a very fun ride so far.

I also have a serious crush happening for Petra, the tiny blonde cop with the adorable voice and accent. It’s not the actress so much as the character. Heck, I didn’t even recognize the actress from when she was in Strike Back, the short-lived series about an MI6 spec ops team from a few years ago. Apparently she was on Doctor Who briefly as well.

Yep, as soon as I saw the bumped thread I “heard” Petras voice say the town name!

Pro tip though:


Its just not good and ruins the characters.

Not all of us agree with that assessment. It is definitely not as good, but there was still a lot to like.

Sorry man, we’re going to watch. The whole reason we found the show was my wife saw Dennis Quaid’s picture in the Season Two promo shot in the queue of shows we might like and went “What’s this show with Dennis Quaid?!”. Our disappointment that he wasn’t actually in Season One was very short-lived!

I’m somewhat baffled by the posts in this thread, because there is no season 2 of Fortitude. I have no idea what you guys are talking about.


Season One finale (or in Tom’s world, Series finale) was great. Poor Dan, he’s one messed up guy emotionally, and he still doesn’t even know the real truth about Henry, and probably never will at this point.

Speaking of messed up, Vincent isn’t looking so great, but at least his heroics seem to have made a lasting impression on Natalie, who is conveniently available now that pretty much everybody that was doing the whole wind-chime shuffle during the long lonely Fortitude winters has deleted their Tinder account.

My only small gripe:

Wasps. As small as those little guys were, you can’t honestly tell me that they all died in the explosion in the hospital room. The mammoth carcass I can see, they did a decent enough job of burning both it and the shed to insure nothing survived. But then at the dad and girls’ house, they just burned the house down without even knowing where the body was? Couldn’t some wasps have easily escaped the burning house? I guess maybe it’s too cold in Fortitude for the wasps to survive long outside of a host or a sheltered area like the shed/house. Or, perhaps that’s the mechanism by which Season Two (don’t look Tom!) comes about?

Two episodes into the season that doesn’t exist. Man, do they ramp up FAST this time around. On the other hand, it’s almost too much crazy, as it appears multiple weird things are happening that may not even be connected.

Poor little Petra, all depressed and alone. The only people she touches are already dead. I’m finding it difficult to believe that in a town where 50% of the population basically bed hops all winter long, that a cute little blonde policewoman can’t find someone to share her down time with, no matter how socially awkward she may be. On the other hand, it did give Ingrid another chance to break into someone’s house through the kitchen window, which she seems to enjoy a little too much.

Finished it. Wow, what the? Season One was tense and tight, leaving you wondering right up until the end. Season Two was looser, but ramped up the crazy so that you were wondering about multiple weird goings on and just who knew what about what. I enjoyed both, but that Season Two ending…WTF?

Seriously, WTF? I assume it was left open like that on purpose, so that a Season Three could pick up literally the day after the events of the Season Two finale. I mean, talk about a finale that didn’t resolve ANYTHING. The weird eye-gouging madness is still coming, the demon is still inside Dan, Eric, Michael, Petra, Ingrid and the rest of the town are still all horribly messed up, Vincent and Natalie are still in that lab room waiting to see if reindeer juice is the cure for eye-gouging madness, Freya and the Shaman are both dead, but will they and Elena team up in the afterlife to help rescue Dan from the demon? Will the bio-science corp send more mercenaries to Fortitude to try and recover their research and Dan? SO MANY LOOSE ENDS!

Season 3 just started.

So far, so crazy! Also props for breaking out some Zeal and Ardor there at the end. Fuck, that band is great.

Edit: Oh man, apparently this season is only four episodes long. That explains why they, say, killed a couple of new characters already. Pity. I can’t imagine that will be enough time to satisfyingly conclude things. But I’m along for the ride.

So I finally got around to watching this. I had started it a while back and got distracted after a couple of episodes, but I started over and watched the entire season. A fantastic show, too bad there’s only one season.

The single season of the show was a mystery box that actually delivered, with the mystery plot forming a framework for some terrific character development. The acting was excellent, with Richard Dormer and Stanley Tucci doing top notch work, among others. The weird setting plus the bizarre and complicated plot that nonetheless hung together were the scaffolding but the body of the piece was the acting and directing, which was outstanding. Unique, strange and very very good.

Now, in a dream state, I may have experienced some visions of a second season, which in that dreamlike way, may have been one of the strongest examples I have seen of creators not understanding what was good about their work. In that dreamlike fantasy “second” season, I would have imagined character retcons that undid some of the excellence of the actual season, a plot that went up its own navel and out its own ass, and emphasis on the bizarre for the sake of the bizarre without understanding that the contrast of the bizarre and deep character work was what made the real season so good, and a lot of shock for shock’s sake. I would have imagined a second season that maybe would have been interesting if it were a separate thing, in a B-grade shock-y kind of way, but that held no candle compared to the excellence of the real season of Fortitude. And in that dreamlike fantasy, I might have imagined a third season and just said “NOPE.”

But still, the one season of the show that does exist is outstanding, weird, deep, cool and good. Thumbs up.

I need to get around to watching season 3 in full. I don’t know that it will reward my time, but dangit, it’s only four episodes and I want to know.

Had no idea there was a third, but that’s mostly because, as with many, season two sucked the life out of my interest in the series after the first being fantastic.

I mean, it’s strange enough that @Sharpe had dreams about a non-existent second season. And now you guys with your weird dreams about a third season? Crazytalk!


Some people are gluttons for punishment, even if it non-existent punishment that exists only as a hypothetical.

It at least has a banger of a Zeal and Ardor song in it.

How many of us have bought a damn great album by a band and thought it was perfect, and then went on to own their entire catalog, even though the rest of their output was spotty at best?

I’ve come to think I’m doing this with television as well, because dammit, I’ll still give Season 3 a chance if I can ever find it streaming on Amazon someday (apparently not today).

Will I buy the DVD set just so I can see it? No. I didn’t like Season 2 that much, though it was pretty decent. In fact, I can’t recall any of it at the moment. But I may still give their third album a shot if it doesn’t involve too much effort.