Fortnite - A New Game by Epic

Ill have to watch that when I get home. However I do wonder about mob path finding. If you create a small maze, then seem to just run strait into the first wall and attack it instead of running to the entrance. Maybe the mazes I have seen have been too complex.

The game is only early access and will be so for the next 4+ months. Epic has been listening to the complaints on the dense systems, the early game experience and loot. We’ll see what they do with it. But this game still has time to evolve too.

I hope so. I have complained about the ‘storage’ on research. The fact is that you do not even have 24 hours worth of storage. Never mind upping the research rate if even the lowly 54/hour will overflow in less than 20 hours.

Also the fact that when you recycle an item or person, it warns you about adding them to your collection. At that point, you should directly be able to add them to the collection rather than jumping through a bunch of screens to add the item.

I agree, this really is redundant. Daily login rewards are already in place to incentivize people to fire up the game. I understand why research would need a cap, but it’s way too low right now.

The second point you bring up would be a nice QoL change for sure.

oh man… the recouping of traps… that would be sooo helpful I’ve tried creating kill zones only to have my team push so far ahead they they are irrelevant. OR stand in a different location which cases the zom… husks to wander away from my kill zone.

Many times I’ve seen people put tracks on the initial walls around the van/balloon/etc which will pretty much NEVER ever fire.

Lots of little things. I suppose I should wrap up the first area already and move on to the 2nd.

I’m totally enjoying it still - a little frustrated at some of the daily quests when you just have bad luck at the RNG maps. and the zone not having any of XXX that you need for your quest.

This is a interesting post.

The difficulty of the missions grown with the skill points earned. At level 22 you are not supposed to do level 22 missions, but level 40 missions, where mobs 2shots you, and it takes a lot of bullets (and weapons durability) to kill them. If you do missions on your level, you get very little experience. If you do hard missions, more often than not, you break all your weapons and fail the objective. You gimp yourself by gaining skill points.

Another trap is leveling the weapons. If you upgrade a weapon scheme to level 3 it ask for malachite, that is very rare. So you gimped yourself by making that weapon almost impossible to craft.

That is sure depressing. I really like the idea of the game, but the grind is ludicrous and now it seems the leveling is just as bad. I really hope they fix these issues. I do not want this game concept to die.

Tonight when I get home, Ill send more feedback about the crazy material requirements for building stuff. A level 3 wall costs 10 + 20 + 30 = 60 materials each. So for 999 resources which takes a good while to grind you can only make 16 walls with that. Even if the halved that, it would still be far too much. I am thinking maybe it should be at about 25% of the cost.

At this point, in missions, I do not even want contribute to base building because I want those resources for myself.

With respect to level… that is from your hero power level (not hero level). It seems that you can delevel yourself (slot crappy heros for support), Shouldn’t this work?

It took me a bit to understand that this was happening, but this is absolutely the dynamic, and it’s so contrary to the flow of the game earlier that I kept thinking I’d picked the wrong option somewhere. I had a blast up through the first zone, and even early in the second, but now that the true scope of the grind becomes clear, ugh. I can’t imagine how much time and resources (or cash) it would take to move up to the third and fourth trees.

That’s not your Level, and trying to think of it in that way is going to lead to some misunderstandings. That’s your Homebase power. Yes, skillpoints can raise your power level depending on what you select, but the biggest impact are your survivors and how you are slotting them and upgrading them.

Much of your power is derived from leveling up your survivors. Also important to note, that Homebase power is a group stat. Joining with other players will raise this power level and makes you more effective. Are you investing your survivor XP?

Regarding overleveling weapons, yeah you can do this to yourself but only when you’re upping the Tier. The game will show you what the new resource requirements are, so pay attention to it. Something you have to get out of your head is that “Blue is better” or “Legendary is better”. Yes, stat wise they’re better, but there’s a tradeoff. Those green schematics you get aren’t garbage, they’re extremely useful and you should be leveling some up because you can basically build them with random junk, not the rare stuff like power cells and rotating gizmos, etc. You also want to pay attention to what the resource requirements are for different weapons, because you don’t want a bunch of them that rely on the same bottleneck. If your blue assault rifle and melee weapon both take rotating gizmos, that blue pistol might only take machine parts.

Now, all that being said, the game just launched in Early Access and is planned to be an EA title for several months, so I think everyone needs to keep that in mind. They were tweaking EXP gain and progression rates throughout the alpha, so don’t expect everything to be in its final state.

I believe some tweaking are neccesary, yes.
After a 5 waves defense the shield mission, I got 0 points.

It seems the servers are down. I think I found the official forums, but I do not see any announcements. Is this a planned outage or did something go wrong?

Meh! So, I didn’t really have much time to play FN so far due to being on the road over the weekend and work in general. And just as I sit down to spend a bit more time, play the second storm shield mission, the servers died just as I had finished setting up all defenses and was about to activate everything. Gnyaaaar.

I go to reddit for my fortnite news, a developer posts there also.

For the outlander, I how do you get more fragments for the loot lama and the teddy? I thought they would recharge after a while, or between missions, but they do not.

Also like my soldier, my outland has a loot lama power but that button does NOT show up on the ui. It does not have a * next to it, so it can’t be that problem.

Outlanders of the correct class can collect charges in the map that allow use of llama and teddy.

You collect charges from the kettle drum looking things, marked with a small blue mark on the map. Once you collect a charge the button to use them will show. Its C key for me on pc.

My lvl 10 outlander jess can hold three charges. First use is a llama, next two are teddies.

Basically collect 3 charges during early mission, drop the llama during defense construction, and finally drop the teddies during the fight.

Today I played with 2 good outlanders. They placed two or three llamas next to the base for the people building to restock mats. There are good players out here!.

IMO, the actual game doesn’t really start until you reach the second area. I’ve had some really desperate (and cool!) 4 player fights in area 2, but everything in area 1 was just suuuuper easy, even at the end.

Consider the whole first area an extended tutorial!

I also concur that you do NOT want to upgrade your weapons to star level 3 for a long, long time. And even crappy / cheap traps are very useful, so there’s kind of a downside to upgrading those in my experience.

Upgrading your weapon star levels increases the crafting cost? I thought that only the rarity increased that. I have a blue machine gun I love. Its one star and I was just about to upgrade it to a 2 star weapon.

I just got to pinkerton and have to defend my storm shield (which I just spend 3 days grinding materials for in the starting area). I do not look forward to grinding even more materials to do this yet again. Is the first pinkerton one really tough or is it easy?

Also about traps… I added my grey plan for the wooden spikes to my collection expecting to pick up a green or blue one. Yet I have not done so. I have gotten like 6 green healing pads, 5 green gas traps and 4 blue wall spikes. Their RNG sucks.

Not to mention the I have several blue weapons that I have 3 or 4 copies of, yet others are never to be seen.

IIRC, the tiers are associated with each zone resource-wise. So let’s say your copper machete takes 1x copper to make, among other things. When you Evolve it to T2, it’s now a silver machete and as such it no longer takes copper to build, it takes silver. You can find silver in Stonewood’s harder areas, but it’s quite rare. It’s more abundant in Plankerton.

The rarity of the schematic tends to indicate how rare the resources are required to build it. A green schematic won’t take active power cells, but a legendary one likely will.

Oh. That is good to know. I have a huge amount of copper, but almost no silver. I would be screwed if I upgraded my copper gun to a silver one. They should really post a big ass warning about this before you add that extra star. I was going to upgrade my gun tonight, but Ill hold off for a good while.