Forum software upgrade?

vBulletin is actually tracking unread threads across sessions now. It’s great! If this was done on purpose, thanks. If not, never touch the forum software again. You don’t want to mess this up.

Am I not understanding how this works? From my perspective it’s broken; posts I read this past week at work are showing up unread at home. That never used to happen. I could be hallucinating, of course.

Yeah, my New Posts display is all kinds of broken.

Yes, the change was made on purpose. With the change items are marked as read in the backend DB rather than your browser, so they should appear identical at home and work.

It all appears broken to me. I liked the old way a LOT better. As of now, it shows all threads as unread, even if I have read them, every time I leave the site and come back. Is there a setting I can change on my end to fix this?

Oh wait. It WAS doing that. Now it seems to be working properly. Maybe it just reset everything when you made the switch, so that it shows older threads that I have read as unread? In other words, it will all straighten out over the next week, right?

I just went through and did a “mark all as read” in each subforum and now it seems to track properly. Haven’t closed my browser and come back yet to see if it loses track like it used to.

If that doesn’t work, then clear your cookies for That’s what I did when it was misbehaving the same way (I thought it was the same old glitch again) and it’s been working fine for me.

I like the new feature, FWIW.

Woah, if this is true I’m going to give someone a big kiss.

Put some lipstick on the beast and pucker up, stusser.

Yeah, I love this change. Kiss him twice.

Actually Tom did it at a user’s request, I’m just chatting about it. But I’ll take your adoration anyway.

And the kisses? What about the kisses!

Clearing my cookies solved the problem.

I’d rather no reboot all my cookies, but trying to delete the QT3 specifc ones doesn’t seem to be working for me. I went the “mark all read” route but am already seeing issues with that but I guess I’ll see how it goes.

Logging out of the forum clears your QT3 cookies. Or at least, it says it does :)

Well, I just did that. And when I logged back in the forum is still showing as “unread” some threads that I had ignored earlier. So it isn’t recognizing that.

Logging out/in, followed by the “mark all read” thing, cleared up the weirdness I was seeing. The change on the forum end did seem to mess up my “last read” date for all the threads, which is what necessitated doing the “mark all red” trick – until I did that, yeah, I kept getting all kinds of posts I’d read a week ago.

When is the upgrade the gets rid of all of the asshol [… CARRIER LOST]

Threads with new posts are no longer moved to the top of the stack?