Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.

Pass, @Brooski

Madison uses 1 faction IP to make a speech.

Madison makes a strong speech to his fellow Virginians, who see him as the successor to Jefferson. (Madison rolled a 5. @Brooski, want to spend the extra 1?)


On to the auction. @Panzeh is up first to bid.


@Ironsight sent me a PM saying he wanted to bid 1. So he bids 1. Over to @Navaronegun.

Pass, @Brooski




@Ironsight takes it

Pass on any action so I’ll just take the card. @CF_Kane

Ironsight has received his card. We now move into the next turn, the beginning of the Hamilton administration.

@Cuthbert, any actions before I reveal the first issue card?

Appoint John Marshall Secretary of War. Appoint John Jay Secretary of State. Appoint Aaron Burr Secretary of the Treasury. Appoint CC Pinckney as General. Appoint T. Pinckney as Special Envoy

After signing a quick executive order outlawing dueling, Hamilton is ready for the first issue.

The first issue facing the Hamilton administration was the admission of Tennessee to the United States.

Admission of Tennessee is a difficulty 2 task for the Secretary of State and Congress. If it passes, it provides one popularity and admits Tennessee to the union. Tennessee is adjacent to Kentucky and Carolina, as well as the currently absent states of Alabama and Mississippi. Tennessee has 4/10/13 electoral votes in Eras A/B/C.

Failure to pass has no effect, and sends Tennessee to the next deck.

@Cuthbert, will you refer to the Secretary of State or ignore?

On request of the Vice President, who just cannot get enough bluegrass music, I delegate this issue to him. @Ironsight

JQ Adams will pass this issue on to Secretary Jay for a vote in the Congress, assuming Jay approves. @Navaronegun

John Jay is happy to refer the admission of Tennessee to Congress.

Who votes first, @CF_Kane?

Pretty sure we start with @Panzeh who is to the “left” of the President.

Vote yes with 7 votes. On to @Ironsight

17 yes votes @Navaronegun