Founding Fathers Forum Game: A republic, if you can keep it.




Stevens will make a speech for free

Pass. @CF_Kane

That Thad Stevens sure can talk good. +1 popularity.

Auction for last card and impulse starts with @Brooski.

1 IP

Pass @Panzeh



Pass56789 @Navaronegun

Le Pass. @CF_Kane

Card delivered. Any action @Brooski ?

@Brooski plays make an Important Speech on Tilden.

Any other action @Brooski?

He tries to make a regular speech too.

He nailed it. (Rolls a 6, +1 Popularity.)

The first issue on the table for the second King administration concerns the issue of slaves that had fled their southern masters for freedom in the north. Southern states pushed for a fugitive slave act, which would force Northern states to return slaves to their masters. Many northern senators and representatives opposed the bill.

Prevent fugitive slave act is a difficulty 3 issue for the President and Congress. If resolved, +3 IP to each party leader, +1 Popularity. If failed/ignored, tension +1 (triggering civil war), popularity -2, public support 2 towards liberal.

@Navaronegun over to President King to decide.

Change must come. Moderation must prevail over terror and fire-eating. Stopping this bill is the first step towards national comity after the crimes of the murdering fanatic Brown.

Resolve. Spend 2 Personal IP.

Veto the bill (Submit to Congress). Voting starts with @Brooski

15 votes no
Spend 4 IP for 12 additional votes
Total 27 votes no

Why would this cause civil war? Aren’t we at tension 3/5?