Fox News thread of fine journalism

Heh, I haven’t consciously thought of Brolin pere for decades. But my typing fingers apparently haven’t forgotten him.

Fox’s business model is stoking outrage over bullshit. Outrage drives engagement, clicks, eyeballs, etc. If you can’t recognize the same dynamic on the left, you’re not looking.

There’s probably some addiction-like issue here. Maybe we get a dopamine hit when we get angry on Twitter.

Brad Slager thinks he’s pwning libs.

This Brad fellow wants Anthony Hopkins to explicitly state he’s against cannibalism? This guy is unreal.

Also extremely disingenuous in that he repeats the notion that being for gun control is anti gun.

It’s not.

And letting conservatives conflate this mantra unchallenged is one of the media’s greatest sins.

True. They do the same thing with abortion though. They say that if you are pro-choice that somehow means you are anti life or pro abortion which is also not the same thing.

This has to be one of the more ridiculous examples though, even for Fox.

Also, this is the the “playbook” I mentioned awhile back, change the conversation, allow your opposition to do your research, reject it based on narrow definitions, get everyone to indirectly agree to your talking points and then basically control the converation.

Stop saying gun control. Just stop it. Delete it from your vernacular. Tell your friends and family to do the same. Because all it does is trigger Pavlovian thoughts of gun confiscation, which is exactly the fear-based reaction the NRA and right-wingers want you to have. Say something like gun safety instead. Seriously. Who can be opposed to safe and responsible gun ownership?

The Left desperately needs a Frank Luntz.

What if by gun control, we actually want people to come into your home and take your gun away from you?

Some of us want that. We know we won’t get it, but that’s what we want.

Then I would say you need to be aware of the political climate in which you live and adjust accordingly. Because getting in the way of sensible gun safety legislation progress would be like voting for Bernie (or staying home) because Killary stole the primaries from the High Sparrow of America.

What if we go on a rampage at a school to show dangerous gun ownership might be in the wrong hands…

Oh, yeah, old people hate kids and don’t care.

Oh Noes!

Pushing back against this advice, I think I live in a political climate which is relentlessly racist, but I don’t plan to adjust accordingly to that anytime soon, and I don’t plan to moderate my anti-racist rhetoric or behavior.

Meh. Pro-gun / anti-gun as labels isn’t that far from the reality IMO. I’m anti-gun. I think most people who own them do so out of hero / vigilante fantasies, and I think they ought not to own them or even want to own them. I think too fucking many get made, and sold, and the people who buy them are almost by definition sick and shouldn’t own them. I don’t know why it should be easier to buy and operate a gun than a car, and I don’t see anything in the Constitution which requires that it be so. Yes, someone will say ‘but the Constitution doesn’t guarantee your right to have and use a car,’ to which I respond: Google unenumerated rights. If a car is necessary to exercise your liberty, and it is, you have a right to buy and operate one.

But … but … why would a television network ever stop showing unedited footage of an incoherent dimwit free-associating?

It must have something to do with George Soros.

I suspect that’s not true, but I don’t know how to frame the query to prove it one way or the other. I believe that most people who own guns use them for sport – hunting or target range shooting – and those people own only a few such weapons.

However, I think most guns are owned by the type of people you describe.

Conservative media and gun makers / NRA have successfully rebranded gun ownership as being a proxy for the American Virtues, and gun ownership if not driven by fear or hunting is almost entirely due to buying into the culture of gun ownership more than anything.

I live in Texas and heard from multiple people after the Las Vegas shooting that they were desperate to buy a bump stock before they became illegal or were no longer manufactured.

They’ve wholeheartedly bought the arguments that all acts of violence are acts of individuals, gun ownership is a sacrosanct American Virtue used to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic, and they’re completely incapable of understand how gun ownership on an individual level has society wide implications. If people are shooting other people, it’s because they are bad people! Why should i be blamed? they say, clutching their off-brand AR and hundreds of rounds of ammo. Of course, they hardly hunt or target practice, it’s like buying $300 camping knives, it’s just beanie babies for guys. Except beanie babies don’t kill people.

It isn’t surprising the same people all reject society wide problems and society wide solutions. The Individualism Uber Alles philosophy, rooted in half forgotten, distorted memories of being a frontier society. Global Warming? Taxes? Government Regulation? All unnecessary! they say, bleching diesel smoke from their stack piped 3/4 ton pick-up truck, engine floored to max at every turn of the light from red to green. Get Government out of my Social Security!

Dammit sorry @KevinC, didn’t mean to tag you.

I hear that despite publically supporting immigration and international asylum and refugee laws, Sigourney Weaver has made several movies in which she is decidedly anti-Alien.
FOX News should expose this hypocrisy immediately. Tucker Carlson needs to be on the case!

Just check with Pew, who are good at this sort of thing.

Some highlights:

  • 67% of gun owners say they own guns for protection. Some of those list other reasons as well, but protection is the top reason by almost double hunting or sport.
  • Among households with only a single gun (32% of all gun-owning households) that gun is usually (62%) a handgun, useless for hunting. In the 72% of households with more than one gun, at least one of them is a handgun. So there are handguns in roughly 69% of gun-owning households.
  • Only 30% of respondents say they personally own a gun, while 42% of households have at least one gun.

I think that backs up my theory of why most people own guns. It’s also instructive to note that gun ownership and even household presence is a minority.

Following up on that Pew data, only about 5% of the US population are licensed hunters.

Folks who grew up in or near a rural area (like me) may get the impression hunting is a ubiquitous hobby, especially during hunting season. But it’s really not.

I know people who live in the rural areas and I don’t blame them for owning a gun for “protection”. Almost everyone who lives in a rural area can tell stories of cars driving onto the property stopping, looking around and then leaving. I know people who have had weed found growing among their legal crops and that isn’t very comforting.

But yea, the true gun is the one who feels that he has the right to own anything because of “second amendment” rights. From machine gun to bazooka.