Fox News thread of fine journalism

Exotic sexual groups? How do I register as a Democrat, again? I think that sounds a lot more fun than a party full of old white guys.

In Utah that just means doing positions other than missionary. So don’t get too excited.

Fox just loves putting racist hags on to say racist things. Red meat for their audience.

What a letdown. I’ll just have to drown my sorrows in my 3.2% beer. :(

At that rate you are more likely to drown yourself before your sorrows.

But now I’m sensing a business opportunity in border towns in Colorado…

Utah bootleggers are probably the only thing keeping Evanston, WY alive. The liquor store there must account for 50% of the local economy.

Wait, I could have sworn I had a nice craft IPA in the Salt Lake airport. Was I duped with a 3.2%-er?

I had heard in the past that Oklahoma had the absolute worst laws regarding beer, but apparently they just lifted a ton of them.

That makes you guys the worst in the nation now. So maybe a good motto for a license plate? “Where the water is clear and so is the beer!” :)

They can sell high AC beer if they have a liquor license.

Right. You can get nice beer here, but you’re stuck with 3.2% unless you’re hitting up the liquor store or a pub.

That Coulter quote could just as easiky go in the Nei-Nazi thread

So could Coulter, as something akin to a thread mascot. I hate that woman.

Coulter is currently kind of loved and hated by the Fox watchers, as she is not a great fan of Trump, IIRC.
Which is nice because everyone should really hate her.

Coulter is really weird, in that she’s become increasingly bitter and meanspirited over time, and at this point it’s progressed to a truly absurd level.

Every time Coulter complains about how Trump has let her down, I like Trump a little more.

Exotic sexual groups… they just keep coming up with snappy new slogans for the ordinary lives and state of being for everyone who is not a Trump supports.


Interesting take on the google hearing on the Fox website - quite critical of the befuddled and idiotic congressmen

And go go Ted Lieu

“So let me just conclude here by stating the obvious,” Lieu responded. "If you want positive search results, do positive things. If you don’t want negative search results, don’t do negative things.

“And to some of my colleagues across the aisle, if you’re getting bad press articles and bad search results, don’t blame Google or Facebook or Twitter — consider blaming yourself,” he added.

I love that Lieu’s stuff started with “Hey, I googled Scalise, and most of the stories that came up were cool… But then I googled Steve King, and all this Nazi stuff came up.”