Fox News thread of fine journalism

Yeah, military pay is public information. Anyone can look it up. Military pay stubs when I was in the Navy 15 years ago look like any other pay stub I’ve gotten since. I don’t remember seeing a miscellaneous benefits heading.

But even so, it sounds like they were just trying to make military benefits look attractive. And they are! Free health and dental for your whole family. Access to tax-free shopping on base. Huge portions of your pay (e.g. housing allowances and combat zone pay) are not subject to income tax. The retirement package is second-to-none. Gold standard educational benefits, etc. I figured that the tax and health benefits alone were probably worth at least $20k to me compared to a civilian job. It took me 10 years after I left the service to work back up to the same standard of living I had before.

I’ve seen the rates several times. It comes up pretty frequently when it comes to comparison salaries, pay-rates, or maybe they call them pay-grades, and that sort of thing. I don’t recall seeing really detailed breakdowns though.

Why is this crap legal? Are other countries as god awful stupid as ours? Like is Germany this dumb?

If I saw a man in decline, what does that look like? Does he have a particular t-shirt that he wears or am I looking at posture or maybe his footsteps are heavier?

Is the ruling class ignoring men declining?
Aren’t men the ruling class?

And doesn’t the phrase “the ruling class” miss, you know, the whole point of democracy?

How will men ever survive when women make up over 20% of Congress?

I like that Tucker Carlson is slowly becoming more orange.

Poor, poor men! Will no one think of the men! How is a man supposed to get liquored up and sweet-talk a woman back to his Ford F-150 and force her to have consensual sex! Is this not Trump’s America now?

As a man in repose, I do not feel I get enough attention from the ruling classes either.

Wow, what a loser.

He must have a pretty low opinion of his wife and daughter to be able to spew sewage like that.

The projection is getting so weird that it’s becoming almost incoherent. “Women and minorities are committed to upholding the status quo and punishing people for crimes they didn’t commit and are mindless TV ideologues”

Side note, is Tucker getting … erm… oranger?

Trump is obviously rubbing off on him.

Take that how you will.

Yeah, I mentioned that above. It’s kind of perfect. How great would it be if all Trump supporters started turning more and more like orange?

Ah right. I’ve been noticing it more and more since you mentioned it. It’s mildly disturbing to me.