Fox News thread of fine journalism

But in order for that to happen things are going to have to get much darker and I personally don’t want that to happen. I want where we’re at with DJT to be as far as we have to fall. Evidence about everything that happened with this presidency will continue to come out for years and I hope it’s enough to make all of this absurdity very much go away for my lifetime.

Ann Coulter officially turns on Trump?

Nah - she’s still a monster.

Good thread.


(What idiots these guys are.)


“out from under their desks”? Did the guillotining begin and no one told me?

I kinda feel like the rich have done a pretty good job of “defending” their way of life in this country. Maybe it’s time others did a better job of defending theirs. Like the middle class.

Speaking of guillotines

“Sometimes we go into homes [that owners] think are worth $20M and it’s worth $14M and their taste level is not that good and no matter what they do they’re in a losing situation. We do our best to mitigate those losses,” Aaron Kirman, star of CNBC’s new Listing Impossible told the Pasadena hotel ballroom filled mostly with overworked, underpaid TV critics/bloggers/reporters.


His application for the job:

Yes, this is clearly the direction intelligence data should flow, from the President (and the people whispering in his ear) TO the intelligence services.

I am surprised Lou Dobbs isn’t sec of State.

Said it before and will say it again. Whenever Coulter goes after Trump, it makes me like Trump more.

To be fair, that’s her shtick. She’s never satisfied with how right leaning anyone is and she fills volumes of books pushing that. Her not happy with Trump is par for the course. Examples; Pro George W Bush until she wasn’t, pro Mitt Romney until she wasn’t, and now pro Trump until again, she’s not.

She’s scum, however, and snakes her way through quite obvious nasty comments and stances by playing them off with deflective comments and behavior.

If ever there were a nothingburger though, it would be Ann Coulter. She’s got no political experience and yet draws scores of people to buy her books.

The world needs more roasts of Ann Coulter. Her appearance on that one Comedy Central roast was immensely gratifying.

So here is a fox news headline (not linked to give them clicks)

So 46K people overdose on opioids per year, which is bad, but to claim a 1,000x exaggerated death claim is just gratuitous.

I ugly snort-laughed at my desk. Damn, that is… something.

Wait for the next DT speech “We need the wall to save 57 million lives per day!”…
sounds like “Fentanyl, according to Karl Pilkington”