Fox News thread of fine journalism

Credit where credit is due: CNN just put up a piece on how unprecedented Trump’s low approval ratings are, given how well the economy is doing. (But it’s on the financial page, not the politics page. And it’s certainly not on Fox.)

Well, he was asking for it by wearing those sexy bowties. Oh wait, it wasn’t Tucker? Nevermind.

I still remember the SNL skit of the 88 democratic debates, when they had Paul Simon (senator, not singer), who always wore bow ties do an internal monolog:

“Chicks really dig the bow tie!”

Aaaaand suspended.

I’m not sure why Trump is so mad at North Korea. He and his buddies at Fox use literally the same playbook as Dear Leader:

And yes I literally mean literally.

Honestly, at this point, why wouldn’t they be covering North Korea and the President’s comments? I understand they steer away from the Russian hacking investigation, but this seems pretty major for them to bypass. Unless that screenshot is just cherry picking, they covered it already?

Top story on their website, but who knows about the television. I’m guessing they give it at least passing reference since Trump could be made to look strong if you ignore international diplomacy.

Still the world on the brink of a nuclear exchange and they’re talking about transgender athletes. Fox News for ya.

True. That or another variation on the missing 30,000 emails.

At least Hannity’s head will be well-protected from any potential nuclear attacks, being so far up his own ass.

I’m sure the hair plugs make a fine protective layer.

I’d say he broke his promise not with his later tweet but the second he typed “let’s see what others do” in the first. What a piece of shit that guy is.

It’s not Fox News, but good enough.

Goodbye Jeffrey Lord!

Man, now they are going to need to give more airtime to that jackass ex congressman, Jack whatever.

Jesus, how stupid do you have to be to not understand what a bad idea that is?


Pop quiz: Trump or Dark Helmet as president?

I didn’t know the name but I recognize Jeffrey Lord’s face. He was a designated Trump apologist for CNN. The last time I saw him on CNN was last weekend when he was trying to explain a Trump tweet and started laughing half way thru his explanation. At that time I didn’t think his heart was in the job anymore.

Of course anyone defending Trump probably doesn’t have a heart but anyway.

Has he signed his Trump TV contract yet?