Freelancer / Discovery 4.84 RP Server Up

I posted this in the giant Freelancer thread, but thought this deserved a mention of its own.

If anyone’s interested, I’ve put up a Discovery 4.84 roleplaying server (i.e., PvP is disabled). It’s called Friday Night Freelancer, and I’m keeping it up 24/7 for the time being. Right now, it’s set to a 32 player limit, but I’m pretty sure the system can handle up to 64, if it comes to that.

It’s password protected, so if you’re interested, PM me.

Here’s how to set up Freelancer to work in Windows Vista or Windows 7:

  1. Install the game.

  2. Download and install the 1.1 patch.

  3. Download and install the Freelancer Mod Manager.

  4. Download and install the Freelancer hotfix.

  5. Download and install the Freelancer Global Server Workaround.

  6. Download the Discovery 484 mod. When you download the mod, double-click and it will unpack and run the Freelancer Mod Manager. Once FMM is up, then click on Discovery 4.84 in the mod manager window; that will install the mod.

  7. Check to see if you have ipv6 enabled for your network connection; if so, disable it (note: try to connect over the Internet first, before disabling ipv6. If it works, then great. Disabling ipv6 is necessary for LAN servers, but I’m not sure about Internet servers.)

Now try to connect to any Freelancer server on the web (Discovery 484 servers should work).

Are there some improvements to the game start for new players?
I tried an old version and gave up after colliding with the noob-station and dying 3 times in a row because I didn’t react fast enough.

Not so much. If anything, the curve to get to usable ships is a little steeper with the Discovery 4.84 mod (but the mod also gives the game longer legs.)

The trick is liberal use of the F3 (dock) key whenever you approach any station. A few
stations, though, have bugs that create problems when exiting (Detroit Munitions comes
to mind.)

What is the Freelancer hotfix? On the page specified, I cannot tell which file you are referring to. Do you mean the unofficial fan-patch or something else?

Yes, the unofficial fan hotfix.


Bah, I can’t get Discovery 484 to play nice with FLMM. When I double click the Discovery file it goes through the mod-install process but then craps out near the end saying cannot access file “c:program files/Freelancer Mod Manager/Mods/Discovery/common.dll” (or something like that, I don’t have the exact text). Then when I try to load the mod in FLMM it does the initial stuff but then tells me the mod won’t load properly. I’ve tried a complete uninstall/reinstall and also redownloading everything, no good. My download of Discovery just seems borked, or it wont run with FLMM properly.

I’m using the FLMM 1.31 installer, but the version of FLMM in the actual program says 1.3. Dunno if that matters…

Everything else seemed to go well. Any ideas?

Hmm, no, it works fine here. I assume you had no other mods installed?

I did shift to the beta 1.4 FLMM; not sure if that will help you, though.

Robert, did you run the game first, before installing the mod, so that FL creates all the user folders it needs?

I’m Daniel, no relation to Robert Sharp :o. I’m gonna give this another go from square one, full uninstall/reinstall etc. We’ll see how it goes

Oh, sorry, should have noticed the “E”. I think we met at Gencon LA one year?

Anyway, try running FLMM as administrator. That fixed a similar problem I had on one Vista system.

Bah, it’s just not working for me. Keeps giving me that same error message and says my mod file is possibly corrupt. And yes, I’ve deleted the mod file and redownloaded it from another source, 3 times now. Bleah. Guess there will be no Freelancer for me this weekend :(.

Edit. Running as an administrator worked and now the mod has loaded. Lemme give it a go :O.

Lloyd is the man. The man, I say.

Whats the best way to buy Freelancer? Are there any digital distributions, or do you just have to hunt down a boxed copy?

Boxed copies, I believe. Available through Amazon, I believe.

I should add we’ll have 7-10 players on tonight. I don’t have a Skype or Teamspeak server going, but I may try to get that going in the next week or so.

I’ve set up FL as Case specified above, but I cannot connect to any online servers (although I do get a list of servers, and they correctly filter to Discovery servers when I filter out the incompatible ones). I get a message saying the server disconnected or went offline.

Does FL require specific router ports open?

Not for outbound FL games – only the server, I believe.

Check Starport for the “black list” of antivirus apps. You can’t connect, for example, if Norton Antivirus is running. ESET (Nod32) works fine.

Other AV apps that block Freelancer:


AV apps that work with Freelancer:


Also, run the FL executable as admin if you’re running on Vista or Win7.

Weird, I keep getting an error saying “The account name and password you provided are not valid on this server.” I don’t see any place TO enter said information, though.

Nah, not using AV, and even when running FL as admin I get the error. Weirdly, it puts up the error box the instant I try to connect to a server - it doesn’t appear to even attempt to connect and fail.

I might try plugging the cable modem directly into my PC and see if that helps.

Remember the initial cap.

Did you disable ipv6?