Fuck 2016: RIP Carrie Fisher (1956-2016)

When a 60 year old celebrity dies of heart attack with alcohol and several illegal drugs in her system, most people will assume that years of chemical abuse were the indirect cause of death. The US is still a judgmental puritanical country that way.

Anyone capable of reason would draw that implication. It has nothing to do with puritanism.

Exactly. And it has less to do with puritanism than it has to do with ‘if it bleeds it leads’. Nobody made money with a news show called Good News Happy Time. This shit sells ads.

Well, the puritanism enhances the message from “if you do a lot of these drugs they will probably kill you” to “well, if you secretly do drugs you are a bad person and deserve to die from it”.

You’re manufacturing your own obsessive delusions.

Anyone with a grasp on reality understands that if you want to indulge in heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, and other opiates, and you’re reasonablyresponsible or have periods of moderation or abstinence, you can reasonably expect to make it to at least from 40-50 (which is when this shit really catches up to you), but if you persist beyond that point you’re definitely shortening your life, and if you’re still engaging in that lifestyle at 60 you’re essentially committing suicide

Very few people who play that game, for that long, are that lucky, frankly – almost everyone can survive to 40 doing it, but after that, endurance depends a lot on genetics and medical care, but eventually you pass the point of return for the human body. It has zero to do with morality, let alone puritanism.

It also has to do with a culture that loses it’s celebrities from time to time to drug use. If knowing her story makes somebody think twice about it then it’s not a bad thing for people to know.