You don’t seem to get it. Angry? Sure I am. There’s been too many games in recent memory that looked great, but I had to return because they didn’t wanna play nice and run on my system.
Defensive? I’ve got nothing to defend here. I’m not sitting on a 1000 person poll which holds relevance to the discussion. All I’ve got are theories based on logical conclusions. You, on the other hand, don’t have anything more to offer than, “Well, if this was a problem, someone would’ve done something about it by now.” You sound more out of the loop than I am.
I don’t believe that there’s some shadowy group of rich fat dudes sitting around in offices laughing about fucking people over. That would be ridiculous.
I’m saying that as an entity, as a collection or individuals working together to form a whole, the industry doesn’t recognize the problems that their copy protection schemes create, nor do they realize their ineffectiveness.
This isn’t going to change until everyone wakes up and sees the obviousness of it all. About the only thing that I think will do it is some sort of broad-based empirical study on the matter.
Get Gspy or Fileshack or some other high traffic site to put up the following poll:
Have you or anyone you know ever bought a game which didn’t run due to issues with the game’s copy protection scheme?
Has a copy-protection scheme ever prevented you from making a legitimate back-up copy, as is your right under fair use?
Have you ever returned a game, or stopped buying games from a company, due to their use of copy-protection schemes?
Have you ever returned a copy-protected game after you were unable to get it to work, and then pirated the game and ran it successfully?
Those 4 questions should be enough, but maybe there are a few I’m not thinking of.
The point is, I’m not in any position to look into this matter. As a member of the industry, one would think you are not only in a position to do it yourself or know who to tell, but that you’d be interested in knowing the results, seeing as how this has serious relevance to what you do.
But instead, we get this.
If you feel so strongly that the games industry is out to get you then just make the unltimate statement and stop buying games.
What did I say about the industry not giving a shit? Or would using yourself as an example count as anecdotal.