Fuck Star Wars: Unaltered OT on DVD this September

I’ll buy this in 10 years when they release the Super Duper OMG Mega Trilogy Including The Original and Special Trilogies and The Prequel Original and Remastered With-No-Jar-Jar Trilogy on HD-DVD/Blueray

Hello, Ebay!

Okay Ben. Just buy the fucking Making of Disc OKAY!??!?

I know I’ll end up buying this but I wish there was a way to pick and choose the parts I want. I actually liked a lot of the added special effects shots to the first one (mostly the battle at the end), it’s just the Greedo shoots first thing I don’t dig along with some of the cheesy little details when first entering the desert city.

I can’t think of anything that bothered me with the second special edition, and the third’s annoyance was just the extended music dance scene at the palace (and having the young Anakin in the ghost stuff, but that’s slightly minor).

What I really want is the Apology Non-Retarded Best of Both Version.

Sort of neat news. But did anyone see the interview with Time last month where Lucas said he was doing the SW TV show in 3D, “with glasses and everything”? Yowch.

I’m excited about this announcement.

However, when the full technical details of the DVDs are released, I have a feeling the general enthusiasm about them may be a bit tempered.

Just found out about this.

O frabjous day!

As long as the movie is on there I don’t care if it’s just the menu screen and the movie. Shit I don’t even need a menu screen, it could be one two hour track and that would be fine by me.

Great, now I can sit them next to my “new” DVD’s, my 2 versions of them on VHS and my Laserdisc versions…

I really am most proud of my laserdiscs…I just can’t help myself.

Is this really, really unaltered? For some stupid reason one of my favourite bits of the original versions is when the stormtropper hits his head on the closing door inside the deathstar. I think it’s related to fond childhood memories of spotting it when watching the movie on TV at christmas. Plus Han shoots first, of course.

Agreed with awdougherty, it would be cool if you could edit your own version with the bits you liked from each.

I’m looking forward to picking them up. I am curious why Lucas changed his mind.


You know what, I just checked and you’re right. No Pro Logic english track is on the Indy DVDs. Now I just have to figure out which DVD I’m thinking of because I have a distinct memory of watching something with just the DPL audio and being impressed by the sound… It’s probably one of my DTS discs which often have a DPL track as back up to meet DVD requirements.

My thoughts exactly. Aside from the glaring exceptions you mentioned, I actually prefer the “special edition” version of the originals. Get cracking, Lucas! There’s more money to squeeze out of us if you can combine the two!

I have the old laserdisc versions, so I don’t have a bantha in this fight…but for old times’ sake:

You forgot one.

Now geeks around the United States can have Star Wars weekends where they watch each Episode back to back and picking out differences in each, one by one by one by one.

Worse: watching all versions at once, on multiple televisions.

Doh - how could I forget Tom Chick’s buns?

FINALLY. No, wait. I think I’ve seen them.