Full-screen gaming with two monitors

Is there some reason full-screen games have to minimize when they lose focus? I have two monitors, so clicking away doesn’t mean I want to minimize it, but they all seem to.

Try setting the game to run in a window and then increase the game resolution to the max rez of your monitor. Setting to “windowed mode” should fix the problems with the game losing focus.

IMO it should be a requirement for all games should play well with Windows… alt-tab, windowed mode, etc. etc.

If the game also supports running w/o a window frame, this works great. It’s what I do for Warhammer Online, for example.

There is some freeware called ShiftWindow that might be useful. I haven’t actually tried it on a multi-monitor setup, but it works well for running a game in a window at your full resolution, and then moving it such that you don’t get a (visible) border.

Mike: Won’t work in Vista AFAIK.

I’ve tried Multiplicity, Synergy, and also two monitors on a single PC.

Apparently it will work in XP.

Because XP is better and you should never have upgraded in the first place.

Cool, windowed mode is way better, thanks!

I’ll try out ShiftWindow, too.