Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers ®, Jane Jensen’s classic adventure game featuring a series of voodoo murders, New Orleans, forbidden romance, and the most charming womanizer you ever met, is back. Winner of numerous industry awards when it appeared in 1993, this 20th anniversary update will be better than ever with high res graphics, an all new remastered soundtrack, behind-the-scenes goodies, and the great gameplay and story of the original.
Yessssssssss. I made a video rambling about the remake and it has screenshot comparisons.
Buy this game when it comes out. It’s the only way we might finally see GK4!
Indeed! I HATE the new look (I think GK1 and 2 look gorgeous even now) and I would kill for an option akin to the Monkey Island remake to switch between old and new graphics/sound… Although I’m afraid all this talk of new puzzles will make this impossible. Something Sierra had back then and I don’t see the new studio having was great artists and an amazing sense of polish.
But I will buy it, since this series deserves to continue and be finished, and this, besides buying the old trilogy in GOG, which I’ve already done, is the only way I can see it happening. For all the bad rap GK3 got (and it had some wonky parts, mainly in the visual department) it was still a great story (which after the DaVinci Code has lost some of its punch -it’s still way better than that, though-)…
Yeah, GK3 is fantastic. When I read DaVinci Code a few years later I was like “Hey, wait a minute!”, heh. GK3 is so much better when you’ve never even heard of the Holy Blood/Holy Grail thing. Shame that the game is mostly remembered for one really dumb puzzle that Jane Jensen didn’t even make.
Can’t wait for this. I think it looks awesome. Tried to play Sins Of The Father a few weeks ago and wasn’t able to do it. It just looks terribly dated.
I think everybody who has played the original (and thus is not put off by the -aged?- looks) agrees this is not going to be as good. The question is not that, but whether it will be good enough to restart the franchise.
I´m an optimistic. The story is powerful enough, and even if they don´t reach the same heights in voiceacting and visual mood and texture, it will still be significantly better than most recent adventure games… That and the brand recognition/free marketing should be enough to warrant somewhat decent sales.
What I don´t think is possible is a remake of GK2 without completely overhauling the game (I would settle for a non-compressed video option, though, but I doubt they have the original footage…)
Curious why this seems like such a weak idea to most people (at least around here), when I remember nothing but cheers when the re-do of Monkey Island was announced and released. I admit, I’m pretty ambivalent on this, too; I’m not sure why. I guess it’s because it was recent enough that the graphics seem adequate, even charming, to us still. Anyway, I hope it ends up being worth doing and playing. And I actually think the new voice cast could be great. (I am one of the few who likes Tim Curry, but didn’t care for him as the voice of GK… but I played if first on the floppy disc version without voice, so I had a different voice in my head than… whatever Tim Curry was doing.)
I played the original the week it came out. So that pisses on your “everybody” parade.
agrees this is not going to be as good.
I don’t agree. I think this looks phenomenal. I had been hoping this is what Mystery Game X was.
I also think that Tim Curry’s voice work as Gabe was some of the most overrated awfulness in videogame history.
His southern accent was what you’d get if someone who’d never heard one outside of movies or television and tried to imitate one would sound like. It was a jumble of southern accents, too, and not a New Orleans accent.
I loved the remake on Monkey Island, but I played it using the old graphics. They were so much more charming and lively than the remade ones.
While I might agree with the voice acting thing (I did like other characters a lot, though) I just seem to have very different tastes in terms of visuals. The new pre rendered backgrounds look too detailed and lifeless to me. I could do with the pixelated ones because the lack of detail allows for the imagination compensating, but these HD adventures (the first one I played was Syberia, I think) always look unrealistic to me. I guess I´d rather see photographs from real locations (with all their dirt and, especially, messiness) or purely painted backgrounds not afraid of an impressionistic attitude towards detail.
This style automatically makes me don´t want to play the game, honestly. Which is weird, cause I can stand old graphics quite well. It feels like plastic.
That said I´m buying it, as I said, if only to support new games in the series…
Look at this: The new image might be more detailed, but I don´t buy it as a real space. It feels like a bad movie version of what a dingy, small and unprofitable bookshop looks like (the real state alone would cost so much!). The old picture lacks detail, but the space feels a real place, with now overblow proportions or extremely dramatic (and unnecessary) camera angles…
I played the original. I liked it, cheesy VO and everything. I have no interest in buying it again. It’s not like the story is going to be significantly different.