GalCiv 2 - The 20 Day War

the campaign is dull -mainly because you have to ‘start from scratch’ each time - i did suggest that they design the campaign around the sandbox mode, starting with small maps that fit into medium maps and onward and upwards, with defined events plotting out the story - to me that would be something, and would be a great training exercise for sandbox too. having said that jpinard’s writing and mapping efforts are great.

More than I can handle, to be honest. He and Stardock were also kind enough to pay for the printing of this book, so the sex wasn’t strictly necessary.

I’ve just put Day 3 up.

I just picked up my copy of PCG with the book. The book itself is paperback, 80-odd pages. The first three online entries take you up to page 12, so it’s a pretty meaty AAR. I’ll look forward to flicking through it while I should be working.

However - even with the book, I don’t think I’ll be returning to print mags anytime soon. Jesus wept, it’s six quid! I didn’t realise they’d gotten so expensive. Also, ABC (07/07 - 12/07) = 38,654. OUCH. Last time I read PCG, it was over well over 100k.

How much would the mag cost without the “free” DVD? I’m a little surprised that mags are still bothering with these, although I’m sure it’s appreciated by Mbeke in the arse-end of Swaziland, who’s still on dialup.

PCG has never been over 100K, ever. Highest ABC was about 85K or so. Highest single issue was 95K, I believe.

You may be thinking of PC Format, which was over 100K for a chunk of its run.


Okay, fair enough. It’s been a long time since I bought it, so I must be misremembering. Still, 38k isn’t good. Is that decline reflected in all the print mags?

Oh man it’s a NEW one? Good thing I already bought Twilight of the Arnor, or this would have me doing it immediately. I love reading these.

This thread made me reinstall Galciv. I just finished a game with a diplomatic victory :) I would’ve won in another 60 turns with an ascension victory, but I managed to wipe out the only other race that would’ve managed to beat me to it. That left nothing but my allies and I, so I got the diplomatic victory instead.


I’ll be sure to buy a copy once they reach these shores. I enjoyed the previous after action report immensely.

Also, ABC (07/07 - 12/07) = 38,654.
It’s pretty interesting to compare that with the same figure for the Finnish game magazine Pelit: 31,522. Populations: UK 61 million, Finland 5 million. Studies have shown that Finns read more magazines than anyone else, but still.

Also, Pelit covers all platforms, not just the PC, so there’s that.

Nice AAR. This makes me think we could do with a website devoted to original AARs as well as linking to other peoples. Could be quite a near site to browse! Anyone else agree? PM me!

And PC Gamer doods: I recently picked up the fallout 3 issue, my first ever US PC Gamer and you folks do a great job. Many game mags are becoming redundent due to the net having the same stuff for free, but it seems you guys are working hard to have interesting columns as well as the usual reviews and previews and it makes the magazine quite worthwhile I reckon.

These PC Gamer dudes are of the PC Gamer UK variety.

So when could we expect to see this hit our shores?

Second consideration: How many games magazines does the country have too? The UK still has a hilarious amount of games magazines on the shelves each month.

Sam Jones: Varies from format to format, really. The next gen mags are doing okay right now, but still nothing compared to what the big PS1 magazines did.

PCG’s sales are interesting - when I joined, it was only doing just over 50K which was its best ever ABC and I think the first time it overtook PC Zone as the best selling PC games mag, a position it’s kept ever since. It climbed to its 85K peak when I was there, and has been on a slow decline, plus and minus a bit, ever since. But historically speaking, it’s not actually ridiculously beneath what it was for most of the nineties.


What’s with the Stardock site and FF 3.0? It is quite broken when viewed from my laptop. Not tried 3.1 or whatever the current update is.

Also, what’s the difference between the “Gal Civ 2 Ultimate Bundle Pack” and “Gal Civ 2 Gold Edition”? Seems both have the game and 2 expansions, but a different price?

Sorry about the off-topicness. Go Stardock!


Two at the moment, Pelaaja is the second one (covers other platforms but not the PC). There have been many other contenders, but none of them have stayed in the ring for very long. Pelit has been published since 1992.

KG: Thanks for the clarification.

I finished the AAR book, and it was great. Quite a few genuine LOLs, and it made me want to play Galciv again. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see a GC2 sales spike associated with the article (book and online), although it would be better if the online version were hurried the fuck up a little. A few words a couple of times a week for months is going to be tortuous for those unable to get the print version easily, or for a reasonable cost, and it would cripple the potential benefit to the game’s profile.

I wondered about that. I might up it. The only reason it’s not daily is that I get put off things that update too often for me to keep up - at some point I just think “Fuck it” and give up.

But so far the feedback has suggested people storm through this stuff, so maybe it’s time to go weekdaily.

Ah. That probably explains it a bit - there’s at least 3 magazines for each format (some more than that) plus multiformats in the UK. But still, 5Million sustaining any specialist mag’s something that’s got me thinking.

Tom: I’d go daily as there’s so many chapters. Get it all up ASAP and turn it into an internet perennial.


Yes, do that, please!

I’m not sure there are any stores around here that sell PCG UK, but what month/cover should I be looking for?

That was a great read. I don’t know what to be more scared of: The hideous intelligence of AIs set to level 3/12 (seriously, if this was intentional on the part of developers then let the Terrans loose as general of the US army), or that authors ability to read great depth into some end-game stats and screenshots.