Game box art challenge?

Interesting, that’s not the cover I remember.



Probably not the game you remember either: I bought this one online (one of my first, if not my first purchase) dirt cheap… only to discovered upon arrival this had nothing to do with Sid Meier’s little jewel :(

I think this one will be fairly easy for people, but I like the art.

Space Rogue?

Master of Orion? The recent remake.

Neither of those.

New frame:

The Dig?

Dang it, Lefty! Stole my answer!

And I’m betting it’s the correct one.

Totally The Dig!

That is one hell of a distinctive cover.
I remember it better than the game: I merely remember walking around a lot, and being somewhat disappointed because it was written by JJ Abrams’ elder brother or something.

Something maniac, next. No idea if the maniacs will show up in this thread, but I know they are not far!



Calling Spielberg “JJ Abrams’ elder brother” is both beautiful and sacrilegious. I salute you, sir.

I actually had totally forgotten it was Spielberg. Wow, I was like a monkey typing the bible on that one!

That looks like some PS1 era Ruroni Kenshin game.

I don’t know if one exists, but that’s my guess.

Hmmm. I think it’s a JRPG box art, and it is somewhat familiar (I think), but I can’t pinpoint it. I thought it was Bravely Default for a second, but checked on Google and the box art is completely different.

Sakura Wars!