Game box art challenge?

Well, I was going to guess Full Throttle, but the new image clearly rules that out now. Damn.

Is it a Twisted Metal game?

It is not.

Is it Interstate 76?

IT IS. A game with an absolutely astounding soundtrack, amazing style, and some fun gameplay! To be honest, I spent most of my time in the arena mode and the vehicle construction mode. The sequel kind of sucked.

I love that they just wholly embraced the limited graphics of the day when making the cinematics.

Unfortunately, I’m literally about to go off on holiday for a week, so if anyone wants to jump in, be my guest.

It’s also probably the only game to have a “read a poem” button.

Seriously, though, best intro - Interstate 76 Intro - YouTube

Interstate 76 was the first PC game I can remember that used exclusively in-engine cutscenes.

(well, the first 3D game anyway)

And damn, the few days I don’t check the thread, it’s actually a cover I would have gotten immediately.

@PreachyPreach .

Why is there a Preachy_Peach? Have I discover a devious secret of the Peaches?

Can I steal?

Yes, go ahead!

So, this is going to be the box itself rather than just the box art.

That might be a clue!


The Tiger Electronics X-Men game!


Hoping this doesn’t give it away.


Shot in the dark, Power Glove?

Oh! There was a mech game with a box that slid on cardboard cylinders… Nice little game, too…

Is it Ultrabots?

Jeebus good memory!

edit Holy crap it’s not Ultrabots? If not, it’s a ringer!


It’s a very memorable box! And I played the game a lot too. To be honest, I couldn’t remember the name, so I searched it up by the time period and the bit I really remember, which is the unit called a Scorpion that dropped power nodes around the map, which was the game’s defining feature.

Also led me to this cool article. Turns out that box and so many other distinctive PC game boxes came from the same design studio: