Game box art challenge?

Some kind of Uncharted Deluxe Edition?

Nope - last picture, hopefully it’s guessable at this point, I guess it was a bit of a risk going with a special edition box.




1664? Is that one of the numbers, or is that the beer?

(Psst! The Anno numbers always add up to 9!)

Winning Post 2004

Anno 1234? ;)

Close enough!


I don’t usually pay attention to special editions, but I got this from Amazon for £12 (may have been a misprice?), and it’s the fanciest box I have.

When my kids were much younger the box would be the centrepiece of many a pirate-themed make-believe game as the hidden treasure chest. It got a lot of use, but I don’t think I ever did get round to installing the actual game.

WOW, that is a deal you got. Very cool box. You should install the game, too, because it’s the peak of one of the best city-building series. Unless it’s really really not your kind of genre, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. Still looks great, too, even ten years later!

You know, I think I will, thank you for the nudge - originally there was the near-insurmountable barrier of installing from physical discs, finding a no-cd patch, all that palaver, but since then I have picked it up on Steam as well, so why not? I’m sure it was the good word-of-mouth on this forum that put it on my radar originally.

I definitely shouldn’t have won, given that I can’t remember any of the numbers.


Have at thee.

Die by the Sword?

Hey now, you remembered two of them correctly!

For this one, Mordhau?

Both of you are on the right lines, as this game involves swords

Lords of the Realm 2?


Hmmm, I was going to say Stronghold. So instead I’ll say: Chivalry?

Nope. It’s a much better game than all those. Very nice pick of an ugly cover to a beautiful game!

Some of you are warmer than others.

Except for Left_Empty here. I don’t believe you know which game it is, if you did you’d simply come out and say it! Come on, say it! I DARE YOU!

Anyway, I’m at work and forgot to put the file on my work laptop like I would usually do, so I’ve recreated it. It also made me aware of the fact that even in this era the US and EU covers for games were still pointlessly different. They’re very similar, but pointlessly different.

What honour would there be to come out with such an obvious answer?

Stronghold Crusader?