Game box art challenge?


I kid, I kid.

First thought was Amnesia, and it does have a tiny dude’s silhouette, but in wrong place. Maybe The Witness?

I actually looked it up online, and was wondering why I couldn’t find trace of it anywhere - and google proceeded to spoil me the homonymous’ series’ ending :O
(but I am excused of my sloppyness because I didn’t have my morning coffee yet)


Murder on the Zinderneuf. Had to look up how to spell it. Barely remember this one, but the zeppelin gave it away.

That’s it.

All yours…

Easy one, so will start off slow.

Oh I remember reading about that game. Never seen it in action.

For the new one, I propose Lasercat.

Paul Reiche III was a genius back in the day, although I remember very little about this one.

For current guess: nope.

Sorry this is was a bad one to use, can’t show much without giving it away.

The Trap Door?

Ha wow. I had to cheat but that there is a classic for sure. HA! I had no idea! Great pick.

Temple of Apshai?

How the heck did you cheat on that little??

And nope, no correct guesses yet.

I don’t want to describe how to cheat at this game because I don’t want people to start. Needless to say, it can be done. I’d actually meant to never say anything because just knowing about it will mean people will figure it out. To just muddy the waters, I’ll say my graduate research was computer vision and image processing.

That’s Rogue!


Well, at least I was right about that Epyx neon-silhouette art style.

For what it’s worth, I don’t even google to check if my guess is correct. I just put the guess out there and wait to see if I was right or not.

/holier than thou

This is what we should all be doing. I don’t, but we should.

I think people think “why should I post my guess if I know it’s wrong?” (after googling), but if everyone posted just what they thought before they verified then there would be a lot more activity on this thread and the game would be more active generally. People could comment on the funny mistakes, etc.