Game of the Month - January 2017

I concur with @lordkosc about Antihero! It’s a marvellous bite-sized turn-based strategy game involving all kinds of underhanded sneakery, backstabbery and skullduggery. The async multiplayer games here on Qt3 have been a joy so if anyone else is interested in joining us, for funsies or for the league (which is also fun y’know), then drop by.

For the rest of the month I’ve been dabbling with DEADBOLT by the Risk of Rain devs, which is like a mash-up of Hotline Miami and Gunpoint. Brutal but satisfying. Not sure how long my enthusiasm will last for it though.

I’ve also returned to Vermintide and the excellent Dungeon the Endless.

Edit: oh and Titanfall 2 is still swallowing hours every week. So good.