Game of Thrones (HBO)

On a related note:

First Ashley Parker, now this 😥

Far more interesting than the royal wedding, at least.

Needless to say, if the Rains of Castemere was not played at the reception, it was a total fail.

Man, that casting agent must be happy with him/herself for putting these two together in a scene.

Honeymoon must include a cave. And she’ll probably demand the lord’s kiss.

Jon Snow apparently did know something!

Glad for them. :D

Is that Kevin James behind them getting his nose picked by another wedding attendee? I’m imagining him chasing them on a segway.

Also, kudos to Jon landing a wildling!

This is the first I’m hearing that the actors were a couple.
And that’s a great photo.

Oh you didn’t see the refrigerator prank video, that was pretty funny.

They’ve been dating since the second season when she joined the show. Guess you put a young man and a young woman together in the Icelandic wilderness during the winter and things happen. They had a brief break-up, but they patched things up and have been pretty much a couple for six years.

Their engagement notice was pretty old school, too.

I mean, she’s a noble, so he’s really just firming up his claim to the throne.

Wow, that is too messed up, sheesh. I honestly don’t blame her for freaking out.
What happened to short-sheeting the bed?

That thing he does with his tongue.

So apparently one of the Game of Thrones wiki admins got info on one of the potential spin-offs, and it’s pretty ballsy. Sounds like Rome meets Game of Thrones.

Considering that within a month or so of acquiring HBO, ATT has already stated they think HBO isn’t profitable enough and needs more people watching on phones !?!? I don’t hold out a lot of hope for any new series. ATT seems to want to go away from a low quantity/high quality strategy that has made HBO stand out for the last couple of decades. Fuuuuuu

Game of Thrones prequel series now starring Jake Paul, Logan Paul, SMOSH, Ninja, Laci Green, PewDiePie, Yuya, Dr Disrespect, and EvanTube.

Yeah, but think, they’ll probably move forward with ALL of the spin-off ideas now!

According to the source I spoke with, while several potential prequels are in development at HBO, the two front-runner projects are Jane Goldman’s “The Long Night” and Max Borenstein’s “Empire of Ash”. That isn’t to say that HBO will discard the other pitches. They’re starting to see this as their Star Wars scale franchise and are planning it out in advance. Consider how many years in advance we heard about anthology movies like “Rogue One” or “Solo”, even before the Sequel Trilogy movies were released.