Game of Thrones show creators filming new Star Wars films

Via Variety:

And the article says this is totally independent of the new series of films from Rian Johnson. This is kind of nuts!

This kind of reminds me of that article I read a long time ago about how Lucas’ original vision was to have lots and lots of Star Wars movies when he first conceived of the original.

Since I’m a new fan (recent convert after seeing Last Jedi), I’m pretty happy about this.

It is just oozing potential, isn’t it? I always enjoyed Star Wars, though mostly superficially, which is probably why I’ve never been bothered about the criticisms of stuff like the prequels. That said, it would be really great to see some new ideas, go to some interesting new places with new situations that aren’t just telling the same story over and over again. I don’t really need another training montage or lecture about the lure of the dark side thanks. OK you know what, screw it - how about no Jedi at all, unless they’re doing something I haven’t seen before. Like act like a real human being would maybe.

Well, Knights of the Old Republic did deal with Jedi, and did deal with the lure of the dark side, but from a pretty fresh perspective that wasn’t at all like the original movies or the prequels or Force Awakens. So even dealing with the same kind of things, you can still get a very fresh take on things. And then KOTOR 2 again dealt with similar issues in a fresh new way again that was different from Bioware.

You mean like Rogue One?

Haven’t seen it! Any good?

I have a love/hate relationship with their storytelling on Game of Thrones, so color me interested but skeptical.

I find it interesting that Disney seems to now be leaning into doing multi-movie stories instead of the one-offs like Rogue One and Solo.

It’s not as good as the films with Jedi. ;)

It’s probably heresy to say so, but I consider KOTOR a pretty big standard rpg. A good one, mind you, and we’ll made, but didn’t tread any new ground in my opinion. But I really really dug KOTOR 2. That one kept me up way past my bedtime several nights running. It had something interesting to say, and really great characters doing things. I need to play that again.

Like Phantom Menace?

Yeah I prefered Phantom Menace. :)

Rogue One didn’t do much for me. Plenty of people did like it though.

Oh I agree with you on both counts.

But the ending of the first KOTOR really got to me. I never thought a game could make me question whether I should be going light side or dark side. Light side all the way, like in every other RPG, right? But by the end of that game, I was really torn.

A couple years ago and this news would’ve excited me beyond belief. That’s when I attributed the strength of GoT to these guys. But the last couple of seasons of the show, the seasons made largely without the books as guidance, have really shown how weak their writing really is when they aren’t building off someone else’s framework.

But that’s kind of what they would be doing, don’t you think?


Gonna be a reboot of the original trilogy in which Luke actually hooks up with Leia.



I’m not ready to really blame them for GoT’s problems, maybe the show suffered because of their writing, but maybe no one could’ve handled this bizarre situation any better than they did. Outpacing the books and then trying to wrap things up before the show overstays its welcome would be a challenge for anyone.

I’m not sure GoT tells us much good or bad about their abilities because it’s so wrapped up in Martin’s writing and then lack of writing.

Maybe? I don’t know. All I know is that once the show left the books and depended on GRRM’s notes, the writing took a nosedive.

I just want to state again that you are one of the strangest people I’ve ever met on the Internet. But welcome, I guess!