GamersGate removes client


For those of you like myself who had a lot of problems with the client uses, they got rid of it. You just download the game, the same way you do on direct2drive.

Fukkin’ A man. So happy to hear that, because their client was shit.

Excellent. I had the sporadically good/bad download times.

Thank fucking god

It wasn’t even that good. I fought that bitch every time I was forced to use it.

Am I the only person who didn’t have problems with it? It was rather unpolished and the UI could definitely use some work, but it did work.

Oh it works, but so many things about it were counter-intuitive (e.g., having to “download” a game again even if it really doesn’t if the local files are present just to get the “install” option to reappear), pointless (a tree control that seems to be redundant; a view button that doesn’t do anything), against convention (menu bar items that don’t even give you a menu, let alone do anything; directory prompts that don’t tell you what the prompt is for), or just lacking (no version management, just links to patches; missing things you have to go back to the web site for like account mangement) that it left me with a fairly sour first impression.

They’re things you could get used to, but it was still a poor competitor to nearly every other download service.

No. Considering it was just a browser/installer that requires two clicks do it’s job I’m surprised anyone would have trouble with it as long as they had a functioning connection to Paradox’s servers.

I just don’t like to install more crap on my computer. I don’t even like the steam client, and I wish they had a fire and forget option so that I could play my Audiosurf without having that installed.

The best part about their client was that it INSTALLED TO THE WINDOWS DIRECTORY. Hello, people, this isn’t windows 98 anymore.

Good riddance.

Actually it downloaded things to wherever you configured it to.

Wow, it took me more than 2 weeks to redownload a game after I upgraded to Vista. They finally had to send me a beta 64-bit downloader with special instructions on running it.

Good for them. Get the games to my hard drive with as little interference as possible.

Learn to read? He said the CLIENT installed to the Windows directory, not downloads.

The point is, we don’t need another browser to install. Just use the browser we all have. Its good enough for direct2drive.

I thought Direct2Drive only uses the Download Manager that it shares with FilePlanet. There’s an option for just a straight download link?

It installed to the AppData folder for me (which I concluded Microsoft created for Applications to store their Data), so I just assumed he meant it is was downloading to an undersized Windows partition.

The damn thing still requires Admin priviledges to install a game, so I STILL can’t play Puzzle Quest at work, even though I’ve bought the damn game twice! Crap!


I never had a problem with the client, it’s something you only have to use once per game, and I don’t know about the rest of you but I wasn’t spending hours of my time clicking the single button I needed to click to get a game to install.