
So, yes, legally speaking Brad was exonerated. This does not mean he didn’t, and doesn’t, say some distasteful and often outright offensive things. It does mean that calling him a sexual harrasser, as a matter of fact, is unfair though.

Doesn’t mean I agree or care for him much, but he still should get a fair treatment.

I stand corrected. Her claims of sexual harassment were never resolved or apologized for then.

In any event, there’s a thread here related to that, and I apologize for bringing it up again. The point I think stands, that the person detailed above isn’t really going to be a strong go-to for a nuanced description of the challenges faced by women in the gaming milieu.

Please let this thread die. The whole GamersGate thing is simply not compatible with the site of someone who is a games journalist; it’s like running a Birther thread on Vox.com.

I apologize and agree with you and stusser on this. There are plenty of places to go shout at people about this on the internet. Let this place, with a moderator who has bigger things to focus on, not be one. I’m out of this particular discussion.

Or at least move it to politics and religion, where it belongs.


Adding Qt3 to the long list of forums banning and censoring gg threads reflects poorly on the quality of debate from both sides. I don’t agree with most anti GG posts but I do support peoples right to say it and note that none of it strays into other threads.

Only Teiman can post something here to rescue us from this debacle :\

“You see simpleness is that the womens ARE the gamergate, and threw them all gaemrs must pass because they is mothers of, all.”

I just can’t do it :(

Man, you’re close! Disingenuously ESL literalization that becomes the basis for a reframing metaphor is a great summary of Teiman’s MO.

Shitty thing? BF has two threads running of which one was partly and the other fully dedicated to shitting on Brad, along with other assorted SJW lunacy. He was perfectly justified in calling them out, being the target of the slander.

His blog post is much more even-handed than you might expect, by the way. Well worth reading.

I am not saying that this thing is exploded to the wildest proportions to become sort of some sort of social equality quagmire isn’t the biggest issue. The death threats, doxxing and whatnot is all awful stuff. That is all abhorrent and terrible.

But the spark that ignited the fire was developers using their influence and access to the press to manufacture the conversation about their games. This is what originally set people off. The “shot heard round the world” that started the war.

As far as “unsubstantiated” for the DMCA claims, I have only seen denials by one side, and emails from youtube of takedown notices from the other. I don’t know how you can get much more evidence than that. If that did happen, it is a shitty thing to do. If someone were to do that (Zoe isn’t the only one doing this, she was the unfortunate target here) they would deserve to be ostracized, but in a much less awful way than what happened to her.

And I really wish this #Gamergate would not be about gender, and all of that crap (terms and acronyms I won’t even type) but about the responsibility of the game creators to not exploit their press access and goodwill via selective copyright claims etc, which is where this all started in the first place.

if you think gamergate is in any way legitimate, you are an idiot.

Shitty thing? BF has two threads running of which one was partly and the other fully dedicated to shitting on Brad, along with other assorted SJW lunacy. He was perfectly justified in calling them out, being the target of the slander.

His blog post is much more even-handed than you might expect, by the way. Well worth reading.

Wardell is something of a bete noire for Broken Forum, it’s true. Which is perfectly reasonable when you consider that Wardell cultivates an online persona that mostly consists of being a contrarian piece of shit. He clearly revels in this shit. Acting all aggrieved about his poor treatment on BF is just playing to the audience of racists and kooks he’s gathering on Twitter. It’s all rather silly and childish, but that’s the internet.

It’s funny how I get accused of turning discussions into being about me when you guys just keep inserting me into them. I’d rather there be no #gg thread here at all. I’d rather not have been dragged in at all.

But since you guys seem intent on spreading things long since debunked:

  1. The letter was legally irrelevant. During the 3 bloody years that was not what the case centered around.

  2. While not clear in the context you snipped, the response was sarcastic (with regards to using her words against her). The rest was harsh because…

  3. That email was the culmination of a series of increasingly hostility back and forth. Picking that email would be like picking a particular comment in a forum thread without looking at the context.

I am not saying that I am guilt free on this point. I could have turned the other cheek. I didn’t. Lesson learned.

  1. My email to this person was not based on her sex and is a lot tamer than the kind of thing you guys regularly post about people. I support equality. Maybe I’m an age-ist, as I probably do tend to have less patience for some early 20s kid telling me that my unspecified jokes were sexist or vulgar. We’ve been around 20+ years. Feel free to find a former employee or someone who has met me and ask them if they’ve ever heard me say anything sexist or vulgar, even in joking. There’s plenty of people on this forum who know me in person, some who have pointed out that I do not tell sexist or vulgar jokes.

  2. The case was settled so far in our favor that she received nothing (no money, no considerations, not even a gag order) and had to write an apology letter. The letter was crafted in such a way to avoid her having to admit to perjury.

  3. The primary witness to the incident that triggered it was our female PR manager. The plaintiff had made a series of sexist jokes regarding 2 of our colleagues being “metrosexuals” because of their hair. I, sitting next to her, gently touched her hair and said “Really, Alexandra? Didn’t you just dye your hair?” That was it. You guys assume there must have been more. There isn’t. That is what set all this off. Witness testimony, under oath on this incident.

  4. She was never sent a purity test by me. Originally we thought it was spam. During the course of the case we surmised that my admin assistant, who handles my email, accidentally sent it around to her friends (male and female) via her mobile phone at a company Christmas party while still logged on as me.

  5. Even the “nipples on TV” thing that you guys love to bring up is out of context. She and I were having a conversation (i.e. we were friends at the time) and she said she didn’t want to go on G4 because of the way they treat women. “I saw Olivia Munn’s nipples on TV!” . A minute later she said “Do I have to go on G4?” and I responded “But your nipples look better on TV than mine!” This was a joke we shared together. In front of witnesses. Who testified during depositions. But for 2 years, you guys have smeared me with this out of context allegation.

  6. The various other allegations were, again, refuted by both current and former male and female employees during testimony.

  7. and on and on.

I would love to put the whole thing behind us. It has been an incredibly painful experience for me and my family. The BF people have happily gone on to other forums, social media and linked back to their vile threads to “educate” people about what a monster I am. Sometimes this has caused some of them to post Google Maps of my home.

But you guys keep dredging it up and then have the audacity to complain if I interject or bring to light the breathtaking bias and harassment that has been perpetrated for years now.

Le sigh.

Nobody was talking about you Brad until you did an interview with notorious clickbait site Breitbart and then attempted to sic a twitter mob on a hugbox of a forum. If you thought that was the way to get people to stop talking about this then you need to read up on the Streisand Effect.

Oh man, I came in here thinking we were gonna talk about one of my favorite digital distributors! runs away quickly

I thought you used to stand by your “Family guy / Robot Chicken” non-politically-correct sense of humour?

You’re defending this as acceptable behaviour?

The buck stops at my admin assistant who totally accidentally sent out an email while logged in as me!

The context is fucking terrible, Bradley.

Then stop trying to get your shitty, deluded #gamergate followers to wreck small forums where people don’t like you, you fuck. Don’t lash out at the little people when you feel you aren’t being sufficiently respected. Everything that happened today with you and BF was a result of your childish, spiteful, thin-skinned need to get revenge at the people who talk about you in ways you don’t like.

Sounds like someone needs to change forums, Mother Tucker! I think they would welcome you over there.

But then where will I read about your hot-tubbin’ airsoft collecting gun-store-named-after-the-gun-store-in-GTA owning adventures, you real estate millionaire you?