Games Journalism 2017: Gaming news in a post-truth world

So angry, Jerry.

I clicked the linking thinking we hadn’t had a good games journalism story lately!

Oh. It’s that.

Rare that we get an actual good story in here, but:

Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) got his mom to play Final Fantasy XV and Dragon Age: Inquisition this year, as her very first video games. (She started Persona 5 today!)

I liked the article. Thanks.

He should have had her play Witcher 3. And ugh, Final Fantasy, I don’t hate any of my relatives enough to inflict that crap on them.

Well, sort of, just like dudes can be perfectly capable maternity ward nurses or elementary school teachers, except they almost never are.

According to the most recent population survey released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the teaching gender gap is still alive and well. Male educators constitute just 2.3% of pre-K and kindergarten teachers, 18.3% of the elementary and middle school teacher population, and 42% of the high school level teaching staff. These numbers are down from 2007, but suggest a clear female majority in the teaching profession, especially in the earlier grades.

I absolutely believe anyone can do anything they want to (in terms of work/job), but I do sometimes wonder why they choose not to … statistically speaking.

This guy seems to be in 80% of all gaming related articles, lol.

At least it’s not James Au Wagner.

I came looking in the Bejeweled Blitz thread to talk about the latest update to the game and I remembered there was a dev for that game, and I dug you up and here I see you were laid off almost a year ago. Which was also your last post, how are things going?

EDIT - Just realized I raised last year’s Jorno thread, sorry guys! :)

Gender diversity in games journalism. Eurogamer is not looking great here.

They must be including freelancers and covering the entire length of the publication, there’s no way RPS has 347 people on staff, or Kotaku has 506. I mean, the numbers are crazy.

I wondered if that first one was bylines until the third one was also bylines with wildly different numbers

Those are articles written, not people I would think

Whether they are employees or content providers the numbers still look pretty unfortunate.

So RPS wrote 46 reviews in the month of February? I also think that’s just not likely, unless they count everything not a news article as a review.

I agree that if the numbers actually align to reality somewhere they’re pretty unfortunate. Eurogamer in particular.

The numbers in the first two tables – which are supposed to be drilling down on the same numbers – don’t even match (they’re close).

I suspect if the numbers were staff and not contributors they’d be even worse. Before I stopped following them the big thing with RPS was constantly complaining about the lack of women in games journalism while having 0 hired on.

Based on the graphs; Are we to believe EuroGamer has declined applications/submissions from 215 females because they are a chaeuvenistic male fiefdom or could the answer be that they haven’t gotten any qualified applicants?

‘The Guardian’ numbers look almost controlled, i.e. a female or male author can not get their work published until a “ratio” slot has opened so as to not skew too far into either side.

I’m probably reading it wrong, but 46 reviews isn’t that big of a number. They reviewed near 30 games per their list.

It almost sounds like Eurogamer has a “Big problem”. Hypocrites.