Games Journalism 2018: We're taking it back!

Thorin is a huge piece of shit. I used to watch the ESL Counter-strike league, but when I learned about this guy, and how he continues to be supported by the community… it lessened my enthusiasm a lot.

Esports needs to rid themselves of these toxic people immediately. Guys that say shit like that don’t deserve to represent your brand and your game. Hell, Valve could step in here. We won’t allow you to use our game or assets or support for your event if you hire this guy, as we don’t want him associated with his game.

Slightly 2 real

A fantastic, in-depth feature about Visceral Games’ shelved Jack the Ripper project, that was canned nearly a decade ago.

Michael Cunningham, EIC of RPGamer, has passed after a long battle against cancer.

RIP. :(((

Hey look, there’s a name for what kind of gamer I am - apparently I’m a transitional!

Yeah same. I find the categories fairly unsatisfying though tbh. Essentially its “do you play on console, pc or mobile primarily” which sure, but I was hoping there were new insights to be had.

Which ones are the “real” gamers? I’m one of those, obviously.

Probably the one that uses super twice plus hardcore… just to be sure.

Its interesting though now the majority of the population play games of somekind what does being a “gamer” mean? What are the categories for Filmers or TV’ers or readers? I suspect they are a bit more nuanced but maybe I am wrong?

You mean like these?

Or maybe the more scientific ones. I think the fun ones are better.

I think at this point the word “gamer” means about as much as “reader” or “moviegoer”, pretty much nothing.

Edit: oh crap I got ninja’d

Cheers both! Yeah I guess its all pretty meaningless. I suppose in my mind I have this vision of a form of entertainment going from niche to mainstream. But I suspect I worry more about that than most people in the “mainstream,” whatever that is.

I think that it’s good, because in the case of more established forms of media like books or movies, there’s room for the mainstream as well as the niches.

We categorize readers, movie watchers, TV viewers… all sorts of groups. Gaming, even in this approach, has this weird obsession with this hardcore, real, or super group though which is just unfortunate.

Another look into Riot -

Did a double-take when I first read mentees as manatees.

The smoke continues to indicate fire.

Pointless story goes here

Tolerating this kind of behavior in a company is like refusing to drug test your recruits when everyone else in town does. Maybe it starts as a libertarian or “edgy” intent, but pretty soon you find your company made up of 80% “locker-room”-talking manbabies.