Games Journalism 2018: We're taking it back!

Oh I believe it. But this all came from Teiman; even the comic he showed with his little graph is weird. So Peach declines Mario. Bowser is like wait, I have an idea buddy let me turn into a woman… for you? What? Oh and I forgot, is Peach supposed to be jealous now?

Gaze not into the anime abyss etc etc

That comic was where this all started, and again, I wasn’t watching the thread earlier so someone probably already covered all this. I’d scroll backward to find out but this is Discourse and I don’t hate myself. But the comic was riffing off the ending of Mario Odyssey (in which Peach does basically spurn both Bowser and Mario) and the newly revealed Super Crown powerup in the upcoming version of New Super Mario Bros for Switch that turns Toadette into “Peachette”, a cross between Toadette and Peach.

The internet had a much smaller scale existential debate about whether Peachette was a new character, or Toadette turning into Peach, or still Toadette but just looking more like Peach and with her jumping abilities, or whatever.

So the comic ran with the idea of Bowser using the Super Crown, and it was just the right thing at the right time to blow up into this wacky meme which seems (anecdotally, again) to have resonated somehow with both the pervy crowd and the more creative artists using it as an opportunity to explore beyond the traditional feminine beauty standards.

I appreciate the background. So maybe the start was nefarious, and really there I don’t object to people enjoying these characters, nsfw or otherwise… but the comic is really kind of weird, and a female bowser, even in her normal not as exaggerated state doesn’t suggest that somehow female avatars are liked by people in general, it’s not even an avatar, and a part of that so called Bowsette blow-up are guys sexualizing her and making her theirs… non of which changes the fact that the current Total Wars mess is what is is… and the few, and there are very few, generals in that game were not designed to give guys jollies so this small segment is still angry about it. Neither of these issues has anything to do with feminism or burning bridges or lose lose fights…

There is nothing to defend here, and the good or bad people on both side piece is completely out of place with this. They were dishonest on what actually happened, and blew it up even more when the person who spoke to them told them to take a hike, and I think, that person also happened to be a woman which of course they decided makes it worse. I am sure there are calls for firing right now except… well… I don’t think it will work this time.

Yup, I think we’re on the same page there for sure.

This is really cool. Harold Goldberg posted it on Facebook today…

I am more than a little disappointed that this ad Steam gave me today for Total War doesn’t picture a full cast of female generals.

If it did someone would complain the women aren’t smiling.

transgender nintendo characters, guys, we are on the future

but in other point of view, being a “princess” is a thing. like being princess is not a genre, but like a type of superhero.

princess, being the privileged thing they are and with the sensibilities they are decorated with, they can do things, nobody else can

like, nobody can disagree with the king, except his daughter

the king obey no one, but may change his opinion if the princess convince him

princess role is like one step over king, princess are more times the protagonist than kings, is the more interesting in-between role of all

but… I repeat myself

I don’t really know where to put this, but Randy Pitchford’s personal assistant stole millions from him.

Was the guy tasked with making a sequel to Alien: Colonial Marines or something?


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I hate when sites do that! I’ve never been able to watch even a single SNL clip online because of annoying region blocking.

Use a VPN? Solves a whole lot of problems.

I got that scummy ad stuff on my phone the first time I tried to read it

Thanks for the EU politicians stupid ideas

What? More like “Thanks for making us realize the current models for monetizing the internet are incompatible with personal privacy and control of your own data.”

Meanwhile, this january they will vote a law that will have everything we post online pass a filter that will ban keywords and probably call home and report about dangerous ideas.

Ads don’t really destroy your privacy. Posting political quizs in facebook probably do a much bigger impact. What politicians do is selling you the idea that they are protecting you, while they implement censorship tools similar or even more instrusive than the chinese one.

Maybe UK have the right idea…