Games journalism 2019 - Everything is streaming

I don’t think I’d launch a generalist gaming website in 2019 (or even a couple years ago), even if I had a lot of money to throw at it. The window’s long gone - the newer generations of gamers are largely getting their content form YT, and the older / ‘OG’ readers are entrenching around the pre-existing websites that they know and love already. Or giving up with games media entirely.

There’s no need for yet another website telling you the same thing everyone else is, and I don’t personally believe in the power of ‘interesting features’ as a tool to build an audience. It’s great for the existing audience, but you’ve got to get there first.

I didn’t even want to launch one of the niche websites I currently run, but that was mainly because I didn’t know what was doing at the time - two years in, I’d say niche is the only way to go if you want to start something new. That and Google - Google is a magical place and the future of text-based niche games content.