Games that age well?

I’ll get both slants of the thread with one answer, Freespace 2.

Syndicate almost singlehandedly got me into gaming. Came free with the PC. Possibly one of the greatest games ever made.

Good choice Mark. Totally spaced that one, even though it sits on a shelf right over my computer.

Goddamned HELL yes. The pinnacle of space sim shooters (well, tied with Tie Fighter, but Freespace looks a hell of a lot better than that and the gameplay is almost as good, so…).

I finally bought a new joystick a while back and FS2 was the game (as always) that I loaded up to test it. It still looks gorgeous and even on a middling system of today (1.8ghz P4) with a decent card (GF4128MB), you can crank everything through the roof as well as AA and it just plays like butter and looks better, frankly, than half the games out there today.

The best thing about Freespace 2 was the sound and physics in it (plus the ship designs are the best). I love the sound of the hum of the ships in F2. Plus the combat just feels raw and meaty, while a game like Freelancer just felt… plain compared to Freespace 2. VOLITION SHOULD MAKE A SEQUEL!


Interplay owns the franchise. There’s no game I’d rather see a sequel to, however, if the same designers were involved (except maybe Star Control 2 with Ford/Reiche).

I’ve played through FS2 more than any other game - probably at least once a year since it’s release, including once after reviewing Freelancer. It’s pretty much a perfect game, in my opinion, and in hindsight easily justifies the highest rating I’ve ever given a game.

Didn’t they conduct a poll on their website at some point asking which sequel people most wanted, Descent 4, Freespace 3, (and maybe some others)?

Master of Magic ages better than any other game I have played. However, in general, console games age better because you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues, and you pretty much remember how they looked. For some reason, I always remember PC games as being prettier than they really were.