Games you can’t/won't play for personal or emotional reasons

I stopped playing Heroes of the Storm despite its enjoyable mechanics for the personal/emotional reasons that all the people I got teamed up with were fucking douchenozzles.

Pretty sure ‘Geryk’ is actually one of the default crewmember names in FTL.

While I haven’t yet passed the threshold, I’m getting sick of playing games with realistic graphic violence. If I start a new game and it includes graphic violence, the game better do something interesting or extremely fun within the next 30 minutes of play or it’s likely I’ll never turn it on again. I no longer need to see exploding heads, blood splashed gratuitously everywhere, guts pouring out of bellies, neck stems, etc.

I think game developers have the capacity to be more creative than that.

Also: I really hate killing animals in games. Why do I have to murder a lion so that I can make a scabbard out of its scrotum or whatever? Gross.

These days, for the most part, if I wouldn’t want my kids to see me playing it, then I probably no longer really want to be playing it either.


is that what you make scabbards out of?

I think it’s tough because combat aka physical violence remains one of the most finely-tuned and well-honed gameplay loops – combine that with expectation of graphical fidelity and it’s a bit of a bind.

Of course, plenty of movies show people getting killed without lingering on the gore like it’s a freakin’ Eli Roth picture.

The one that really weirded me out was Bioshock Infinite. ‘Check out this weird alternate sky-city with its scathing indictment of white-supremacist Americanism and JAM A HOOK IN SOME POOR GUY’S FACE’

This is why i turned off the film The Lobster halfway through because of some child violence. The film was lauded but I couldn’t get past this and will never return.

Games don’t really bother me as much, I have never really been disturbed by one, but I don’t play horror games which are probably the most disturbing.

I guess you do in Australia?

This is a new section of our shop - unusual sexy shaped kangaroo scrotum pouches.

Oh man, the world never fails to disappoint, does it?

Yeah, I get that, but it really turns me off these days. I was extremely excited to play AC: Origins because I dig Ancient Egyptian stuff, but after getting a few hours into it, I realized that I’d rather just wander the world than murder everything walking around. I’ll wait for spectator mode before I go back in, I think.

I’m reading this and thinking I must be a sociopath. The only games I won’t play are games that I’m not interested in. I can’t think of a single game that I couldn’t play. Only wouldn’t play. Or am I missing something? Besides a soul, I mean.

Yeah, I get that. You know, for all that the GTA games get tagged for their violence, in a way they’re more progressive. At least when you just pound someone on the street it’s shocking and really feels criminal – if you’re well adjusted you feel somewhat guilty about it, I think.

On the other hand, in (say) WoW, you just go around murdering everything with a red font floating over its head, the only consideration being whether you can survive the attempt.

I long for the day when a crunchy non-combat loop can be found to replace or at least coexist with combat in RPGs and open world games. Multiple-choice dialogue doesn’t get 'er done for me, though it’s effective at injecting narrative and branching paths. At least GTA has its driving minigame.

I think some clever devs could build on the LA Noire cases, interrogations, and investigations to come up with a good open world crime procedural that was engaging but not overly violent. I’d love to play something like that, where you actually feel like you’re putting cases together.

I have never killed non-attacking animals in any Fallout game, until I learned in Fallout 4 you could cook them and make great food out of them. Now I kill every Radstag I come across.

Teeth? 👄

Not come Friday.

I am emotionally incapable of touching That Dragon, Cancer.

Or name them after, um, certain current public officials. Then you won’t give a crap if they die. ;-)

I probably would have thought this before playing my first flight sim, but it turns out the FW-190 is a wicked temptress.

I used to name squaddies in X-COM after bad Royals players, so that I not only wouldn’t feel bad when they croaked, I would celebrate it. “Oh, did Kevin McReynolds get disemboweled by a muton? Good! Fuck that guy and his iron glove!”

Speaking of games with uncomfortable content, has anyone tried this?

“Hard about, Helmsman Trump! Engineer Bannon, go fight off that Engi boarding party! Weapons Officer McConnell, put out the fire in Sick Bay!”

Could work.

THAT might be a good idea…

I’ve only played one mission so far. It’s intense and exhausting. The first mission was over an hour, and it was really great, if bloody.