Gaming with a laptop touchpad - can it work well?

Microsoft Surface Pro. Though I more often use the stylus and touchscreen than the touchpad.

I’ve tried TF2 with a touchpad and it’s ‘alright’ to play with friends, but you can’t be competitive.

When I’m stuck with my laptop, I stick with TBS games and platformers. Anything that doesn’t require the ‘mouse & keyboard’ idea for walking and looking around (most 3D games).

Yes you can, you just need a good key configuration(it might be a problem if you are accustomed to your current layout). The one I use for cod is:
Arrow keys: move
Ctrl: sprint
Alt: hold breath
Shift: fire
Slash: toggle scope
Return: switch firearms

index finger on trackpad, rest 3 fingers on these keys:
Z: prone
X: crouch
C,space: jump
V: reload
A: frag granade
S: special granade
D: use
1: sec. Weapon
2,3: claymores, drones

It’s a pretty efficient configuration and u can get some good scores with it. If your keyboard is not very small and has keys on right side of arrow keys, u can assign any 2 of them to lean left and right.

I admire your commitment to the idea.

I’ve played some Assassins Creed games, notably Black Flag, on a tablet with a touchpad. Which was fine. But I sure as hell wouldn’t try a FPS with one! @Codemon I respect your dedication, you crazy bastard ;)

An old girlfriend was a great healer in World of Warcraft on a 13-inch Macbook. She had just trained herself to overcome the challenges of using a trackpad. And not just the trackpad – she would get 15-20 frames per second on average, and sometimes a busy raid would turn her screen into a slideshow. Yet she never died, topped healing charts, had a solid arena team… I could never understand how she just retrained her brain to account for the awkwardness of her hardware.

I gave her a mouse once, and she was so bad with it that she immediately went back to the trackpad. Because of her, I believe you can make a trackpad work for anything if you’re committed.

I play Rimworld on my aging Lenovo with the touchpad while riding the train.

I suffered from RSI from using a mouse about 10 years ago and moved to using a trackpad exclusively. There was a fair learning curve but after a while I could play all games without any difficulty. I have the same level of skill with a trackpad as a do with a mouse, even with team based shooters such as Battlefield, Overwatch etc.
It takes a while to adjust but once you do it’s absolutely fine :)

I game on my laptop quite a bit. Some games work, some don’t. I do a fair job with MMOs and sandbox survival type games. I tend not to try the more straight up shooters or RTSs games on the touchpad, though.

I’m using a new-ish Samsung. I would highly recommend NeatMouse for emulating mouse clicks on the keyboard, though. Normal touchpad mouse clicks are too slow and too loud, in my opinion.

I put this thread up a couple of years ago because I was concerned about moving to a touchpad from a TrackPoint on my old Lenovo (which I could actually game pretty well with at the time). Fortunately I found this video that helped alleviate my concerns:

I ended up getting an Alienware 17 and have been pretty darn happy with it.

No, at least for a lot of strategy games which are what I tend to play on my laptop.

A lot of them have the zoom hard coded to the mouse wheel and you can’t use something like page up/down instead (stardock/paradox, I’m looking at you in particular).

While sometimes you can enable the swipe to do the same thing, you lose a lot of mousing functionality if you do. I end up hooking up a mouse usually.

Note, I won’t buy a 17 or even a 15 inch laptop. To big amd heavy over time to truly be considered portable.

Actually , yes you can. Some games are meant to be played mainly keyboard only (like sao hollow realization) but I’ve actually done endgame raiding with believe it or not, a keyboard with a touchpad in Final fantasy 14. it takes a while to master it, and feels clunky at times, but no one has ever noticed that i’m not using a normal mouse to play, while using tanking healing and dps classes. I’m probably one of the very few people who has done this and it takes a long time to be good at it. This is a really old thread but I just wanted to share that it’s possible but not easy. games that require mainly a left or right click to fight are different but i’ve done this in multiple tag target mmos, using the touchpad to rotate camera, a key to lock on target and standard keyboard playing. you want to remap all the 6-10 keys to your left hand while keeping 1-5, and get used to playing like this even if you suck at first. You’ll eventually master having one hand doing movement and combat with the other for camera rotations, selections and clicking people to heal & also have an ally target keybind if your a healer. Also if you want to zoom out you don’t need a mousewheel, but usually have 3 fingers on the touchpad and scroll up/down.

I mean, I’m constantly amazed by how people with disabilities make due with all sorts of outlandish devices!