There was a gardening thread last year here and there have probably been others. But it’s a new year and I wanted to start a fresh thread.
I realize it’s early in the year for this topic, but we’ve had a warm weekend here, and I was outside yesterday daydreaming a bit about gardening. (Yeah, that’s what happens when you’re 39 - less daydreams about sex and more about gardening.)
Anyways, my garden is about 6’ x 16’ or so, and I’ve allowed the strawberries that started at one end to take over most of the space. I could chop them back a bit or content myself with just a bit of space for the other stuff, but I’ve been eyeing spots in our yard to add another garden patch or do other garden-related things.
We’ve got a fairly big yard, but part of it is wooded, and there’s lots of trees, a deck, and fencing casting shadows on much of the rest, and the bits that ARE fairly sunny I mostly want to keep open for the kids to run around in.
My neighbor had a lot of luck with a strip down the side of his house that doesn’t get a lot of sun. I think part of the reason is that this strip is up against the concrete foundation of his house, and the light-colored foundation reflects a lot of light back into the garden strip, and also holds heat. Basically, I think it makes the area a sort of pseudo-hot zone, magnifying the sunlight that does reach the area.
I’ve got a strip along my house where I could do that.
I was also thinking about putting up a simple small greenhouse. You can order various small greenhouse kits on the internet for a few hundred dollars. A bonus of a greenhouse is that it might extend my growing season. I’m in St. Louis County, Missouri, so currently I can grow veggies and such from mid-spring to early-fall (roughly, depending on the crop.) Has anyone from a similar latitude used a greenhouse, and if so, can you grow year round?
Anyways, assuming I don’t do the ambitious greenhouse thing this year, I’ll probably have the strawberries, plus tomatoes and probably pumpkins. Given enough space, I’d add peas and perhaps some kind of underground thing (onions or potatoes maybe).
So, whatcha gonna grow this year?