Must… think… in… Russian…
Nut, ask Derek for some photoshoping goodness, that ain’t gonna win a damn thing on :wink:
I would make the notation that I don’t use Adobe Photoshop, but instead use the the open-source GIMP program, except that doing so only makes it look like I’m trying to add in a bit of free software zealotry.
Anyway, Slate suggesting Firefox shouldn’t be as much a suprise as MSNBC having had a number of negative stories about Microsoft Windows and Microsoft itself over the last few years.
Comrades! You have nothing to lose but your BHO’s!!
Why did you click on the topic if you knew you didn’t want to read it?
Seriously, that’s some boneheadedness if that is the case. Otherwise, I’m sure the reason is so that you could just come in and troll against Midnight Son.
The best thing about this thread is that Crypt is a die-hard firefox lover at the core. This makes Midnight’s usual asshatted arrogance appear even more ridiculous (though no less annoying) than usual.
Arrogance? I could see “asshatted”, “ridiculous”, and “annoying”, but arrogance? Please explain.
Assuming crypt was defending IE? That, and the fact that the general tone of every single one of his posts manages to annoy me with their sarcastic one-liners and pseudo-apologetic smileys. That kind of thing.
I love you all, my children. (Even the real asshats.)