Geek Connections

A few weeks ago I was dropping someone off at the Burbank Airport, and I noticed that the SUV in front of us had a license plate that read, “1080P3D.” I told my wife that the guy must be a game or graphics programmer of some sort since that was a reference to an HD standard and 3D graphics. We ended up behind them at the loading area, so my wife asked the guy about it when she got out. He said I was the only person that ever figured it out, and that he had just returned from SIGGRAPH. I was on my way to Shoot Club after that. /me cues We Are The World.

I saw “N00B” on a license plate. I thought that was pretty funny.

At the risk of of being called an old fart again, I saw a license plate that could only be from a CICS application programmer. S0C7.

For those unfamiliar with CICS application programming, that’s a data exception error which basically means you stuffed a value into a variable of the wrong type and made the program blow up.

I drove past “DEVNULL” on the interstate once (Lunix destination ‘file’ for “nothing”).

Also, once on a CS forum someone told me “I saw a bumper sticker that said ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! lol that guy must play counterstriek too”. I tried to explain to them that maybe people outside of their CS forum had heard that joke, but then I gave up and went out for ice cream. And duck soup.

Unix destination file for nothing.

I remember there was the guy who got the ASL plates.

I convinced a friend of mine to get XYZZY. Another guy I know has FSCK. I also see a surprising number of ham radio call signs on license plates.

  • Alan