Gems of War. The wait for PQ fans is over (sort of)

How do you do that? I’m happy to pass out honor as well, but I don’t know the mechanic.

I think you just click on their name and you have an option to give them Honor.

We should use honor to reward the newer active players. I’ve been giving mine to the biggest gold contributors (when I remember to do it at all) but I think our newest members could benefit more.

Does it count if you get seals for yourself (1500 limit I think)? I have no idea how this system works.

I haven’t playing as much lately, but still really enjoy the game. If we make a push one week, I will try to play more and get some seals to help. I already used up all my orbs, unfortunately.

Not sure what you mean by count. Individuals are maxed at 1500 a week as you noted. The more the guild gets raises our guild chest level. 40k is the top level per week and has the best chance to drop a mystic. The orbs add to guild total and allow you to go over the individual limit in a week. I’m not sure if they count as your individual seals if used before you reach 1500 or not.

I meant if use the small (?) 9rbs myself, meaning the 300 ones that count towards my own 1500 limit, does it count towards guild progress as well?

Yes it does. Every seal you earn, the guild earns as well. Orbs also add to the guild Seals total after you max out at 1500.

Oh. Yes. All the orbs count for guild totals. I wouldn’t use them to reach the 1500 limit though as there is little point to it if the guild doesn’t reach high enough to make it worth cashing them in.

Just used a fun team involving Chief Daigon in front and High King Irongut behind him. Devoured the entire opposing squad in a level 12 explore. I don’t think it is fast enough for a PvP but its fun for explore. :)

Love the big man - most of my high level Delve teams are based around him, and I use a similar team for Explore (Mountain Crusher / Luther / High King Irongut / The Possessed King). It does amazing work unless it’s a kingdom with a ton of Dwarves, and even then it’s just a bit slower since it has to transform them first.

I’ve been trying out Goblins (Norbert’s Turnip, King Gobtruffle, Nobend Brothers and Goblin King), but I sorely lack HKI.

I’m on Giants right now (Sheggra’s Spine (Titan) / Jarl Firemantle / Skymir the Lofty / Hyndla Frostcrown)

What team are you using on the Raid Boss thing? Mine is way too slow so it takes a lot of time to work through the board. Using Naga Queen, New Boss killer (forget the name), Naga mythic (forget her name), and the weapon provided for this raid right now. Don’t like it though.

I don’t like mine either.
Boss Killer
Medusa Tome (this Raid weapon) and my low level Assassin

I’m just brute forcing it. I have tried a few different teams, and just can’t find a good synergy. I’m about to switch back to Titan/Mountain Crusher.

This one is pretty bad… Mang and the event bosskiller is usually the answer when that’s the case. And then of course they’re the same colors here which gets you back to pretty bad.

I’ve been using the Naga Knife (Cobra’s Curse) from a previous event + the event troop (algorak the slayer)+ marilith + naga queen, rat banner, though I should switch that to a Green++ banner since I mostly try and combo the Cobra’s curse into itself.

I’m sure it will slow down as I go further.

just downloaded this, if there’s any room in the guild, i would like to join


There’s plenty of room, as many members have gone quiet. However, I think only @Kyrios has permission to boot an old account and register a new one.

In general Guild News, I now have 16,200 Seals ready to go in Orbs. However, I’m flying out of the country today, and I don’t know how much I’ll be on the next 10 days.

Done - thanks for the flag. Yeah, a bunch of people can invite, but only the leader can boot to make space when we’re full up.