Damn. End of an era.
The timing is interesting. They just announced that collection that includes a bunch of his fighting games. It’s like they knew he was leaving or he made sure to push that through before he headed out the door.
8bitdo’s M30 works with a PS4 supposedly, with their bluetooth dongle thing, since Sony’s so freaking annoying locking away controler support.
Well I opted to grab the M30 for the Switch so I’m going to get my Capcom fix there for now, but I did just see this news for the Xbox side:
Doesn’t change my plans, but good for them.
Good news for Xbox only people for sure. I think this may be the last generation for Xbox tho. It looks increasingly likely.
I was watching arcade loremaster’s PTR other day (a brilliant series of videos of his about trying out less successful arcade games in chronological order), and he was making a great point about how most Capcom games, however unfamiliar to us they may have been then, are known and have been made available years after years as the company policy.
I remember when this was tackled as being greedy, in the way they were rereleasing them for each generation of consoles since practically the Saturn days. now retrospectively it just appears like a fantastic effort of early preservation carried forward.
Anyway, all this to say : those new collections announced rock.