Geopolitical Cyber Security

We have a thread about Russians hacking the US electoral system, but figured that it might be worth having a generic thread for hacking issues from a state actor perspective.

I’ll start it out with this interesting article I read today:

Interesting denials by the companies. Normally the move is they don’t say anything which basically confirms the secret gag order. Makes me question the accuracy here.

To have those chips inserted means a major motherboard overhaul needing input form all levels of the design process. I think we should be holding companies Ike Supermicro responsible. If they can’t even control their own engineers (outsourced or not), then they don’t deserve to be in business.

Maybe a network we share with a hostile power isn’t very secure to begin with.

It’s not quite a blunder on the same level as Srebrenica but infuriating none the less.

According to Dutch expert Willemijn Aerdts from Leiden university, the intelligence services have no powers of arrest or prosecution.
“If they had arrested them, they would have had to inform the police,” she told the BBC.

Sounds like a sound excuse, lol. The map in the article reads like something from an alternate universe.

This is buried in the article. Which raised my eyebrow.

According to the UK ambassador to the Netherlands, the cyber-operation in Malaysia had targeted the attorney general’s office and Malaysian police as well as the investigation into the MH17 crash, in which 298 people died.

Now all the other operations were to cover known Russian crimes, so why would they spend so much effort on MH17?

@playingwithknives was ahead of me above. woops scooped! Yeah interesting.

Seeing more and more attacking on the Bloomberg massive cyberhack reporting.

This might be one of the biggest rips on it yet.

It’s a twitter thread:

Most relevant:

So some elements of truth, but what that truth really is remains to be seen.