Worldwide agricultural collapse is just one slip with a hoe away.
Right now, agricorporations are trialing experimental plants inside of plots secured by twine and wooden stakes that could create famine across the globe in one year. All it takes is a single errant bee to carry the pollen or a butterfly in the wind to spread the infection a thousand miles. This has already happened with Star Corn, which appears to have permanently entered the food chain as a killer of Monarch Butterflies.
Plenty of nations can conduct this research without any fear of the U.S. and pretend to be working on crop yields while they develop a weed that strangles entire forests in months with uncontrollable growth. They put a single seed in a cigarette, walk off an American plane and throw the butt in the woods. No more agriculture in the West.
Day of the Triffids is right around the corner, pack your rice.