Getting less fat in 2017... With technology!

There is the more intense stage of a diet you can be in where you’re in active weight loss, then later you can migrate to a lifestyle change that is a relaxed version of your diet for maintenance. I dumped my 40lb over a 4-5 month period, and then slowly worked into maintenance, where my weight has been holding steady for 14-ish months. For a while, I wouldn’t dream of having alcohol, eating out anywhere, or moving away from a very strict regime. Now I’m on a plan that works for me, which is more about guidelines (though there are plenty of foods that I completely avoid) than any sort of strict counting.

It just depends. I was never able to leave what most people would consider an induction-level of intake. But that’s really besides the point. It’s still about making changes to achieve not just temporary loss, but long-term change, IMO. What that requires is going to be different for everyone, not only in terms of what works for them physically, but what they are able to stick with.

By this I mean, it is pretty common to calculate your bolus to cover protein as well as carbohydrate right? As eating protein increases your BGL (slowly over time). Whereas eating fat does not.

If I’m doing it wrong I’d love to be educated.

Correct it all ends up the same.

But some carbs will spike your blood glucose quickly, whereas others are converted nice and slow. I guess I’m coming from a diabetic perspective, where it’s more beneficial and easier using injected insulin if the BGL response is slow and even, rather than a quick rush.

But I think eating lots of fat/protein tends to curb the absorption rate anyway so maybe it shouldn’t matter as much to me either!

I’m also considering the mental willpower side, where in my experience once you start eating wraps the next thing you know you’re considering all sorts of breads and cereals again and soon go off the rails. These kinds of things are addictive and I’m weak. :)

There was also the point that you get a limited amount of carbs per meal, better to spend them on things with decent nutritional value - like veges. :)

Well so far the cravings have been minimal. But I’m also in a position where I can cheat occasionally if I feel the need to. However every cheat I’ve thought about thus far I’ve been able to figure out a way to scratch the same itch with a low carb version of it :)

Really not a fan of the metallic taste / bad breath side of ketosis. Ugh.

Yep, sorry man. Blood glucose is it’s own beast entirely. For the sake of most keto dieters though, believe it or not, a lot of the books and info don’t really step into BGL, only carb amount per day, with ketosis being the main goal. It makes sense from a diet perspective.

The one thing I took away from doing that back when I was in it, is that you learn a hell of a lot about how efficient the body is at using different fuel types.

Dude, there will be a point when that and the slightly off smell of urine (sorry, had to be mentioned) will be badges of honor for you.

Sugarless gum works.

Cool, when I originally wrote what I wrote I was just trying to indicate that the ideal diet for a type 1 diabetic mirrors the keto one, hence it isn’t necessarily a fad. Low carb, moderate protein, high fat.

Cardiologists were studying ketogenic diets back in the 60s. It had a spike in popularity, true, but it isn’t a fad diet in the same sense as some others.

I dunno I’m just annoyed that there only seem to be two sides to this argument. People who support keto and say it’s the best thing ever in the world, and that the food industry has been teaching us how to eat wrong for a century or more to make more money. Then the other side are mostly medical professionals telling people it will kill you or it’s unhealthy and so on. I can’t seem to find a convincing answer one way or the other. But I feel good and haven’t died yet, sooo…

If you are losing weight I don’t think any medical professional would argue Keto is worse than being obese. They might argue it would be better to lose weight a different way, but that much seems crystal clear.

There are a lot of people that deny climate change exists too. If a medical professional is saying ketosis will kill you, find a different medical professional.

It goes way back before the 60s too:

(from wiki)

In 1797, John Rollo reported on the results of treating two diabetic Army officers with a low-carbohydrate diet and medications. A very low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet was the standard treatment for diabetes throughout the 19th century.

Of course in modern times places like the American Diabetes Association bizarrely decided that high carb was better for diabetics, due to the fat scare.

Huh, I hadn’t heard that before.

Yes and this thinking is exactly why we’re still fighting over whether or not global warming is real instead of doing something about it :P Scientists and doctors tend to know wtf they’re talking about. I’m not just going to blow them off without evidence. Yeah I feel great now, but am I shaving 10 years off my life because it’s damaging my heart or kidneys or something? I sure hope not! But a doctor would know a lot better than I would!

Eric, I went to medical school. A highly rated school to boot (Case Western, this is where I learned the biochemistry that later led me to do the V-8 smack on the forehead with regard to low-carb), not some school in the Caribbean you’ve never heard of. There were some tremendous students there. Others? Not so much. Which brings to mind:

Q: What do you call the guy that finished last in his medical school class?
A: Doctor

So, my advice is that, yes you want a doctor that you trust to give good advice and know their stuff. But don’t assume every doctor you meet knows what the heck they are doing. Even good ones make mistakes, after all.

Well, I took your reply to mean “find a new doctor until you get the answer you want”. I guess I misunderstood. Thank you. :)

Well, no, but I would have to seriously question the credentials of one that didn’t approve of what you are doing. Though it wouldn’t shock me if it weren’t their first choice. I don’t know about you, but I know I struggled with my weight for most of my life (and it isn’t like I’m skinny). Making lasting change is all about finding what works for each of us. If I told a doctor, “hey, I lost 60 pounds eating low carb and I’ve kept it off by continuing to do it for years” and they told me to stop, I assure you I wouldn’t go back.

I haven’t discussed this with my doctor at this point. I’m basing this off of anecdotal evidence I’ve read in my studies of the diet. Lots of people saying their doctor thinks they’re crazy or telling them it will kill them or a myriad of other similar things.

Lol, you know what? Something is gonna kill us eventually. Might as well be this :D