Getting wasted at Dad's place

Blah blah blah if only we cover our eyes they won’t do bad things

Look no further, ml! I’ve taken plenty of hallucinogens in my time and hell, I’m fine![/zinger setup]

Look no further, ml! I’ve taken plenty of hallucinogens in my time and hell, I’m fine![/zinger setup][/quote]

Fine my ass, you thought your woman HAD MY HEAD!

Look no further, ml! I’ve taken plenty of hallucinogens in my time and hell, I’m fine![/zinger setup][/quote]

Well, there goes that hope for all time. :(

Sure, I’d agree with that. We need better and more frank Sex Ed in this country (something that’s going backwards it seems). Free condoms are a part of that, but I agree, you can’t just, heh, “toss 'em off” and hope the kids then don’t use them. I’d modify your thinking to say: “Teach responsibility, consequences, do it honestly (none of this HIV from kissing garbage) and then tell them to be safe since they might do it anyways.”

Because teaching responsibility (giving out condoms, etc.,) is why some European nations have a lower abortion rate than the US.

…not to mention teen pregnancy.

That said, while Europe is (according to my French and German friends) pretty damn enlightened when it comes to Sex Ed, the equivalent I experienced in 80’s England consisted of little more an obviously in over her head twentysomething “expert” blushing and giggling every time she said penis. Needless to say, it was far from effective…makes me wonder how directly my secondary schools’ lackluster attempt correlates to the high occurrence of teen pregnancy in my redneck hometown. Thank god my dad picked up “Our Bodies, Our Selves” for me.

Of course, Americans aside, the English are perhaps more screwed up about sex than anyone in the western world, so we’re probably not the most representative example of the European trend towards accurate and pithy sex education classes.

Heh, if you read my original post - not just the part Shift quoted - you’ll see I did mention it. Not only did I mention it, I mentioned that Europes numbers of Teen Pregnancy are lower than the US Bible Belt!

“Are you embarrassed easily? I am. It’s all part of growing up and being British.”

Heh, if you read my original post - not just the part Shift quoted - you’ll see I did mention it.

Sorry, I forgot, should’ve rechecked…late night and I hadn’t had my coffee yet :oops: Does Bill come to my cube and slap me now?

My parents were lucky, I hate pretty much all alchol and didn’t drink at all in high school (and very rarely now). Most of my friends did, and for most of them it was the “We’d rather you didn’t, but we won’t watch you 24/7. If you do do it, don’t be stupid. If you ARE stupid, you will wish you’d never been born.” mentality, which I think makes sense.

On the surface, I think the father is right. Kids are going to drink at after-prom parties. For a decent tip, it’s trivial to get the limo driver to pick up some booze for you while you’re at prom. Give them a safe place where you can assure nobody will drive drunk.

Of course, it opens up the father to lawsuits, rage of other parents, local governments looking to make an example, or to force through puritanical legislation.

Name one person here who said anything remotely like that.

You and mouse both wrote a few paragraphs and dancing around my question and not answering it. I still don’t know what the hell you mean by “responsibility”, unless it’s “don’t do this until I say you’re old enough.”

Errr… I think you misread what I said Jason. I think that agreeing to do the drinking you’re going to do anyway in a place where there are responsible adults around to keep you out of grievous trouble is taking responsibility for one’s actions. It may not be particularly popular (on either side of the parent/child coin, really), but it seems like a perfectly good compromise between “Don’t do it! Ever! Because I told you not to!” and “Do whatever the hell you want, you’re old enough to make your own decisions.”

So name one person here who said anything remotely like that. Advocating a “don’t just allow it without qualification but teach about it” is hardly “cover your eyes blah blah I’m an asshole blah”, isn’t it?

And do you seriously not know what “being responsible” means in this context? I gave an example of Sex Ed as a starting point for teaching responsibility when it comes to sex. You think leaving a box of free condoms is going to teach anything whatsoever about responsible sexual relationships? Or that providing whatever booze you want as long as it’s while Dad is home is going to teach anything about responsible drinking?

Some parents should try alcohol-rationing. The kid has a limit on beers per month, as well as per day. This way he can stay flexible based on varying social needs, yet maintain long-term responsibility and general sobriety.

Alcohol rationing. How wonderfully mad the logic is.

Varying social needs? what the fuck are you blathering about? The only social need for teens that involves alcohol typically tends to encourage binge drinking, and unless said kids have their parents to chaperone their parties (highly unlikely) there’s no supervision of the rationing at said social events.

Second, you are increasing the amount of alcohol available to your kid. Kids who don’t get a ration somehow manage to work around it and score a case or two for a party, what says that kids who get this oh-so-considerate ration won’t do the same and get even more beer. Now they have their ration, plus whatever they and their friends managed to score off the winos hanging downtown. Yay parents, go ahead and shoot yourselves in the foot with the best of intentions.

Well what the heck did you mean by this then? It sure sounded like “this guy isn’t teaching his kids responsiblity.”

My parents did something similar for me when I was in high school; they dion’t tell us to “drink all we wanted,” but they did let my friends and I drink, provided that we did it at my house and stayed there. We ended up drinking a lot less than we probably would have done otherwise.

What did your friends parents think of this Ben? Did your parents let them know?