Ghost Master fans! Site updated

Nice site, but you’ll probably want to turn off the lightning crashing. (The button’s in the bottom right corner of the main graphic. You’re welcome.) The trailer’s entertaining, there’s a fair amount of info on the game, and they’ve got a “demo” section there as well, so apparently they are planning to release one at some point. Good news. Anyway:

There’s an Xbox version of Ghost Master in the ebworld release list, too. FYI.

Thanks, wumpus. Playstation 2 as well. I guess I might as well throw the release dates out here in case anyone’s curious (these are according to

PC: 8/14/03
XB: 10/14/03
PS: 11/18/03

Just wanna point out that Ebgames has a release date for Duke Nukem: Forever as well. So grain of salt.

Salt taken. :)