OMG Japan just won space.
ohmigod. That robot got kicked “in the space!”
edit: link to concept video does not work. here it is:
but still read the article. it’s awesome. :)
In the space. How can you leave that out? Fail.
The robot battle videos on that site are great.
At first I was like “Yeah, nifty”… then the red guy totally suplexed the blue one and my chin hit the spacebar.
I like that red robot in the video. He’s got moxie.
Robots battling it out in the space is probably the first step down to road to mankind’s extinction. It’s still pretty awesome, though.
I love Giant Robot fights but that looked more like my first romantic physical encounter with a woman. Akward, and odd looking and niether really knows where to start and what to do.
Make Love: The Chuck Norris Way