Giveaway thread!

If you got any left, I’ll take one. I do kind of like to zone out sometimes and play one of those and listen to my podcast backlog.

I have no idea which are which, so you pick one for me. Thanks!

All right, how about this - I’m going to let the folks who might need one of these to round out their collections take first crack. But if they don’t all go, or if I’m down to just one left, it’s yours.

Fine with me.

OK so one game down, four left. One other has requested a game, any game, so that’s two randoms I’m reserving. Two other games are wide open.

I’ll try out Faces of Illusion if it’s still there - thanks!

Check your pms. I mean your PMs, not your pms. Hopefully you don’t have pms.

If I can’t find what’s hidden, I might develop it. Thank you!

I have a RIVE key, if anyone wants it.

Oxenfree key on steam, free to the first one to PM me a Birthday haiku.

Edit: gone!

Happy birthday to you
I totally suck
At haiku

(I already have Oxenfree, but I wanted to post a bad birthday haiku)

I too own Oxenfree, but here’s to you!

All things born must die
Perhaps you will be the first
To live forever

Need no Oxenfree
but birthday wishes are good
Enjoy yours, from me

Maybe we can set a record for number of people answering a giveaway request without actually taking the game!

Silhouette has aged
Like everyone on Earth does
Happy Birthday, done.

(Don’t need Oxenfree, either just wanted to post a bad Haiku as well!)

Cell Death cannot be halted
Celebrate birthday

(no game required)

Two things are sure in life
Death and taxes
Don’t pay your taxes and maybe you will live forever

I already have Oxenfree

We all fade and die
Like summer flowers in fall
I would like the game

(Sorry to break the streak.)

If you want the game
You need to PM him
Those are the rules

I wish we had a like, so let me express with more words than needed that I found this excellent. Kudos.

I appreciate your like
It warms my heart
You go girl

Congrats to the winner, first to PM. And all you guys make some really depressing haiku ;)