Go go random gadgets!

The thread for all the many pointless gadgets we don’t really need.

The Freewrite: billed as the “World’s First Smart Typewriter”. It is an e-ink display typewriter with built in wifi-cloud uploading and mechanical keyboard. Pure hipster. $500 dollars. Is distraction free first-draft typing (virtually no editing) worth $500?

The alternative:

The Alphasmart Neo 2. No longer manufactured, $25-$50 on ebay. Regarded by everyone (apparently) as the superior product. Apparently a holdover product from some educational lineup that has been repurposed in a technology saturated world into a distraction-free typewriter.

The second alternative:
Full screen apps. I mean, you know, any typing program that does full screen.

So the $500 typewriter has a battery life of 4 weeks. And it’s not a laptop. Those seem to be its only two selling points. I’m not feeling it.

I’m going to treat this as the random vaguely tech-oriented shit I nonsensically bought off Amazon for no reason because I live a privileged sheltered life thread.

Yeah, $18. Would that money have been better spent donated to hurricane survivors? Perhaps.

Ordered almost two months ago and still hasn’t arrived. I assume it’s on a container ship from Taiwan. Do I need this urgently? No, I do not.


From an article on a food blog. SO much better than your regular trash tongs! I actually stand behind this purchase. And when people visit, I tell them I had a GIANT splinter then pull out these bad boys and they chuckle a little bit, like they’re humoring me. But I know it’s funny.


I mean, how could you not buy this for $18? Don’t you want to know what temperature your stuff is? When I got it several months ago I spent a good 10 minutes pointing it at various areas and objects in my apartment, then I put it in a drawer where it has been sitting ever since.


These are actually pretty awesome. My wife has one.

The Freewrite for $500 is just dumb.

No shame in that claw grabber thing. They’re extremely useful.

Topic title should be Go Go Pointless Gadgets! Since that is the literal intent.

Not necessarily. Pointless isn’t quite complete overlapping venn diagram of gadget. I understand gadget to be “things i don’t really need” rather than “things that are pointless”. Do you need a distraction free keyboard for $500? No. Would it be kind of cool to have one? Yeeeaaaaa… probably.

Go Go Random Gadgets then? 15 adds nothing and is confusing.

I’ll change it just for you. I know how you hate when things don’t fit into the square pegs you’ve made.

I like titles that make sense, for all readers, for all time. If that is wrong then I don’t want to be right.

The freewrite was made by a high school classmate of mine! Pretty cool success story for him. Niche product for sure but he has a lot of really happy customers.

Why do they like it? I can get a light Chromebook for half that price and it does a lot more.

Oops! I thought you were talking about the Alpha thing. Sorry.

I hope there isn’t a Harbor Freight in your town, we may never see you again.

The whole point of these retro word processing devices is to remove all distractions. The “lot more” aspect of a laptop or Chromebook is exactly what these users are trying to compartmentalize themselves away from.

I get it, but with some minimal effort you can do something similar with a laptop. There are distraction-free typing apps (blank screen, you set the background color, and you can even make it sound like a typewriter) and you can get an app that shuts off your internet for a preset period of time. You just have to have the willpower to turn it on, set the timer, and then know you can’t surf without rebooting until the timer is up.

Also, these people sitting cross-legged in the grass typing on this thing, I bet they have their smartphones on them. The internet is just a couple of taps away.

Has anyone posted this one yet?

It turns out it’s a scam, though. They created a full scale mockup, and that’s as far as they got I guess. I don’t think I’d want one driving over me if I had a truck or SUV.


The Freewrite has a sequel, a more laptop-y, fold-y thing meant to be carried around. Less typewriter and more typing accessory.

I might pre order one for fun, though i’m not sure how useful it would be to me. The way i write makes Scrivener almost the perfect software. It might be good for poetry.

The Freewrite has… eaten the Alphasmart Neo 2, and taken its place.

I’m not really a gun guy (although I do own a couple of handguns from my more paranoid younger years), but I thought this was cool. Apparently miniature guns have been around a long time.


It looks like a toy. Bad thing to have around kids.