God damn brilliant!

My new hero
Damn my sides hurt!

You might need to recalibrate your sense of humor.


The French.

Why God?

Albert Camus
the New Wave filmmakers
Anais Nin
Gustave Flaubert
Antonin Artaud
Alexandre Dumas

etc., etc., etc. The list could go on into the thousands. France has given priceless wealth to world culture, to art, literature, film, music. If you don’t think so, you eat likely eat Cheetos for breakfast while watching Transformers Armada. Don’t be cheap jingoistic bigots. It’s really unflattering. Judge others by their actions not their birthplace.

Sweety calm down, all in jest, look down a bit and check out the thread calling American fat pigs, how many posts are there screaming about how we all aren’t? You see? None. Loosen up a bit, I’m sure you tell Polish jokes (or whomever France tells those jokes about). Does that mean you hate all Polish people? Relax or France is gonna get ANOTHER reputation: stressed out whiners :wink:
(PS: I like Rodin, I swear, he was Godzilla’s coolest enemy.)

I fart in your general direction.

So Eclat and Elan errr the ennui.


The French tell jokes about Italy, the only country to consistently lose in wars to France. I’m serious, too. It seems like every Quebecer I run into has a joke about Italy.

Antoine Lavoisier. Even on a list that short you can’t leave out the greatest scientist France ever produced. Of course, France proceded to kill him during their horribly misguided revolution, but still.

I think the ironic omission, given the topic, is Lafayette… oh, and that Napoleon guy too.

Napoleon, generally assumed to be the great French military man, was actually Corsican by birth and had more Italian in his genes than French.

Ah, Quebec. All the rudeness, none of the culture.

Napoleon, generally assumed to be the great French military man, was actually Corsican by birth and had more Italian in his genes than French.

That explains sooo much!

Poor Napoleon. Imagine what he’d have been able to do if he hadn’t been saddled with the French as his troops.

His most famous quote? “The morale is to the physical as three is to one.”

That never would have come up if he’d had decent troops.

(Big ol’ smiley)

It just goes to prove my point that all the French who could fight left in 1066. And even those guys were decended from Norse invaders.

Actually, the joke country here is Belgium. They eat french fries with mayonaisse! Can you imagine! The horror!


Damn Belgians. I hate those bastards.

Charlemagne was a Frank and he could fight. Charles Martel saved Christendom from the Muslims. Those guys were pretty cool. That was 1200 years ago. France has been in steady decline ever since. :wink:

“They drown it in that shit.”